C++ Concurrency in Action. 英文版,电子书。可转成mobi格式,用于kindle阅读。 建议:对于感觉中文版翻译有问题,推荐中英文对象看
2021-05-25 22:02:07 6.59MB C++ Concurrency
In this book I hope to show you how to use the data you're already generating to make your teams, processes, and products better. The goal of the book is to teach your agile team which metrics it can use to objectively measure performance. You'll learn what data really counts, along with where to find it, how to get it, and how to analyze it. Because meaningful data may be gathered or used by any part of an agile team, you'll learn how all team members can publish their own metrics through dashboards and radiators, taking charge of communicating performance and individual accountability. Along the way, I hope you'll pick up practical data analysis techniques, including a few emerging Big Data practices.
2021-05-25 13:16:42 19.29MB Agile Metrics  action
FLASH动画即战力随书光盘,内有书中1-6章案例源文件 适合学习actionscript3.0的初学者
2021-05-24 15:08:44 34.03MB flash action ActionScript as3.0
什么是 C++/CLI 个人感觉将其看作是位于静态程序设计和动态程序设计之间的一座桥梁。C++ 既C++ 编程语言编程语言; CLI 即通用语言基础构造( Common Language Infrastructure ),这是一个支持动态组件编程模型的多层架构; 中间的斜线“ / ”,它往往为人们所忽略。其表示对 C++ 和 CLI 的一种绑定( binding ),它正是 C++/CLI 设计的焦点所在 据此,对于“什么是 C++/CLI ”这一问题可能的一种答案便是“它是对静态 C++ 对象模型和动态 CLI 组件模型的一种绑定”。
2021-05-19 20:27:58 10MB CLI CLR C++
Action-RPG Starter Kit 6.55 商店几百买的最新
2021-05-18 16:06:31 63.38MB Action-RPGStart
中文名: DSLs 实战 原名: DSLs in Action 作者: Debasish Ghosh 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码 出版社: Manning书号: 9781935182450发行时间: 2010年12月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容介绍: Your success—and sanity—are closer at hand when you work at a higher level of abstraction, allowing your attention to be on the business problem rather than the details of the programming platform. Domain Specific Languages—"little languages" implemented on top of conventional programming languages—give you a way to do this because they model the domain of your business problem. DSLs in Action introduces the concepts you'll need to build high-quality domain-specific languages. It explores DSL implementation based on JVM languages like Java, Scala, Clojure, Ruby, and Groovy and contains fully explained code snippets that implement real-world DSL designs. For experienced developers, the book addresses the intricacies of DSL design without the pain of writing parsers by hand. 目录: Part 1 Introducing domain-specific languages Chapter 1 Learning to speak the language of the domain Chapter 2 The DSL in the wild Chapter 3 DSL-driven application development Part 2 Implementing DSLs Chapter 4 Internal DSL implementation patterns Chapter 5 Internal DSL design in Ruby, Groovy, and Clojure Chapter 6 Internal DSL design in Scala Chapter 7 External DSL implementation artifacts Chapter 8 Designing external DSLs using Scala parser combinators Part 3 Future trends in Dsl development Chapter 9 DSL design: looking forward appendix A: Role of abstractions in domain modeling appendix B: Metaprogramming and DSL design appendix C: A cheat sheet for Ruby’s DSL-friendly features appendix D: A cheat sheet for Scala’s DSL-friendly features appendix E: A cheat sheet for Groovy’s DSL-friendly features appendix F: A cheat sheet for Clojure’s DSL-friendly features appendix G: Polyglot development
2021-05-12 20:09:12 6.38MB DSLs
书籍描述: 使用Python使用问题解决方法实现自然语言处理应用程序。这本书有许多编码练习,将帮助您快速部署自然语言处理技术,如文本分类、部分语音识别、主题建模、文本摘要、文本生成、实体提取和情感分析。 自然语言处理配方首先提供清洗和预处理文本数据的解决方案,以及使用高级算法分析文本数据的方法。您将看到文本语义和句法分析的实际应用,以及涉及文本规范化、高级预处理、pos标记和情感分析的复杂自然语言处理方法。您还将学习机器学习和自然语言处理中的深度学习的各种应用。 通过使用本书中的配方,您将拥有一个解决方案工具箱,可以应用于现实世界中您自己的项目,使您的开发时间更快、更高效。
2021-05-12 19:25:44 9.9MB NLP 自然语言处理 Apress
Wicket In Action 正式版,非之前流传的MEAP版
2021-05-10 19:07:06 10.95MB Wicket
2021-05-10 18:55:24 20.56MB wicket 源代码
Apache Camel is a Java framework that lets you implement the standard enterprise integration patterns in a few lines of code. With a concise but sophisticated DSL you snap integration logic into your app, Lego-style, using Java, XML, or Scala. Camel supports over 80 common transports such as HTTP, REST, JMS, and Web Services. Camel in Action is a Camel tutorial full of small examples showing how to work with the integration patterns. It starts with core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. It then shows you the entire lifecycle and goes in depth on how to test, deal with errors, scale, deploy, and even monitor your app—details you can find only in the Camel code itself. Written by the developers of Camel, this book distills their experience and practical insights so that you can tackle integration tasks like a pro.
2021-05-10 16:12:13 3.89MB Camel 整合 integration