Z-Stack 3.0.x is TI's Zigbee 3.0 compliant protocol suite for the CC2530, CC2531, and CC2538 Wireless MCU. Supports the CC2592 and CC2590 RF front ends which extend up to +22dBm and +14dBm transmit power, respectively, and provide improved receiver sensitivity Z-Stack 3.0 combines multiple previous Zigbee profiles into one unified standard Incorporates the unified Zigbee Cluster Library which is at the foundation of dotdot, the universal language for IoT applications defining data objects, models and functionalities for embedded IoT applications Implements Zigbee Base Device Behavior specification, which defines a common set of mechanisms for network forming, discovering, and application provisioning to be used by all Zigbee devices Based on Zigbee PRO 2015 stack, it provides new and improved security modes, including Install Codes for out-of-band key exchange, and Distributed Security Networks for Coordinator-less network topology Supports Green Power Proxy, allowing energy-harvesting and ultra-low power devices to connect seamlessly to a Zigbee network Forwards and backwards compatibility with previous Zigbee PRO and application profiles is maintained Sample Applications included for quick prototyping, including door lock, thermostat, light and switch, and temperature sensor Zigbee Network Processor firmware, providing an abstracted access to the Zigbee Pro 2015 stack and Base Device Behavior functionality via a serial port for two-chip architectures Zigbee-based applications Over-the-air firmware upgrade and serial bootloader capability, allowing for future updates of deployed systems Compatible with TI's Z-Stack Linux Gateway, a reference implementation of an Ethernet-to-Zigbee gateway using a Linux-based platform as host processor, that makes it easy to integrate applications on top of an IP-based interface which abstracts Zigbee protocol functionality to the users.
2022-03-15 14:09:11 23.36MB Z-Stack 3.0.1
中文繁体转换成简体的工具,命令: 命令为 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\opencc-1.0.1-win64\opencc.exe  -i  C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\opencc-1.0.1-win64\fanTi.txt -o jianti.txt -c t2s.json
2022-03-13 19:49:46 1.32MB 123
个人原创文档。在个人电脑环境上安装 VMware vSphere 6.7 实验环境,并完成基本管理操作。
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SweetScape 010 Editor 是一款全新概念的十六进制编辑器,能解析和编辑一切可视的二进制文件方面功能强大,有别于传统的十六进制编辑器。其最强大的功能在于支持模板和脚本操作,只要你为一种类型的二进制文件定义了模板,在以后编辑同一类型的文件的时候就能够调用原来的模板来进行自动分析文件。 SweetScape 010 Editor 8.0.1 更新日志: Fixed crash on macOS using Printf and %Lx or %Ld in certain cases. Fixed templates with a file mask but no ID bytes were not being executed when a data file was opened. Fixed possible crashes in Find and Replace with Regular Expressions that use ^ or $. Fixed when installing on Mac, path info is added to .profile if it exists and .bash_profile does not. Fixed crash passing variables of the wrong type to user functions in certain cases. Fixed crash using Ctrl+Enter when certain panels were displayed. Fixed crash using ++ or — operators on a struct (should be a syntax error). Fixed bug with FileSave and FileSaveRange properly converting UTF8 file names. Fixed crash in FileNameSetExtension function when passing an empty extension. Find/Goto/Select Bar Options button hotkey changed to Alt+P (Alt+O was not working). PS:网上找了好多版本,都是用几天就不能使用了,提示需要注册,一怒之下花了点时间patch了下,用了俩月没有反弹,才敢放出来。 特点:个人自用绿色破解版,安全无毒,patch官方程序,真正做到不反弹,请各位朋友放心使用!!!
2022-03-11 15:26:47 15.1MB 010 editor 010editor
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一场来自民间的自发翻译活动这时低调的展开了,针对与 OpenDaylight Lithium 版本同时发布的《OpenDayl ight User Guide Lithium (June 29, 2015)》文档展开了翻译。
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