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某4层幼儿园全套设计 (2000~3000平,含计算书,建筑图,结构图,毕业答辩PPT) 摘 要 随着教育观念的发展,教学建筑的功能也随之产生变化,即在大小不同的功能空间中,有机地穿插实验室、机房和语音教室等。许多新型的高校教学建筑虽仍以教室为核心,但配备有储藏室、办公室等。本次设计的是宁波北仓郭巨幼儿园结构设计,根据建筑物所在的地理位置、周边的环境、地质条件以及学校建筑群的整体效果,同时还考虑到教学楼的主要组成结构和教学楼的功能要求,教学楼采用“一”字型的框架结构。“一”字型的教学楼给人简洁明了的感觉,立面形成高大明快的的感觉、形成成排的窗户。同时,框架结构适合教室大空间的要求。 关键词:发展趋势;设计思路;功能分区;体型设计;结构造型;人流量;设计亮点。 Summary With the concept of education development, teaching and the resulting construction of the functional changes in the size of different functional space, organically insert laboratories, classrooms and other rooms and voice. While many new colleges and universities teaching in the classroom as the core architecture, but with a storage room, office. environment, geological conditions and the overall effectiveness of school buildings, taking into account teaching, the main composition, and teaching functions, teaching, the use of "一" type framework. "一" fonts teaching, gives concise feeling, a tall front to face the feelings, a platoon into the windows. Meanwhile, the framework for classroom large space requirements. Key Words:Design ideas; Functional Division; Body design; Structural shapes; People flows; Design points.
【4层】办公楼全套设计 (2430平,含计算书,工程量计算,建筑图,结构图,施工组织设计,实习总结,日记)
土木工程-某7层旅馆全套设计 (约9000平,含任务书,开题报告,建筑图,结构图,计算书)