离散控制Matlab代码约束模型预测控制综合 约束模型预测控制综合是一种尝试实现论文Lu,J.,D. Li和Y. Xi(2013)中提出的思想的尝试。 “不确定的离散时间马尔可夫跳跃线性系统的约束模型预测控制综合。” IET控制理论与应用7(5):707-719。 看 。 提供了可与或结合使用的matlab代码。 假定所有必需的软件包都已安装在MATLAB环境中。 如果不是,则必须安装它们,在主脚本中取消注释几行,并相应地进行更改。 MATLAB mfiles 主要脚本 主脚本是文件“ Example_Constrained”。 只需在提示符后键入名称,脚本将负责运行本文中给出的示例。 请记住在调用之前为yalmip,sedumi或mosek设置路径。 在脚本中,您将找到以下几行: addpath(genpath('〜/ Documents / MATLAB / yalmip')) addpath(genpath('〜/ Documents / MATLAB / cvx / sedumi')) addpath(genpath('〜/ Documents / MATLAB / cvx /
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The book represents a course reference for Universities and Engineering Schools offering courses on applied computer-controlled systems and system identification. In addition to its academic audience, Digital Control Systems is aimed at practising engineers wishing to acquire the concepts and techniques of system identification, control design and implementation using a digital computer. The industrial references for the techniques presented in the book and the various applications described provide useful information for those directly involved in the real-world uses of control. Readers who are already familiar with the basics of computer-controlled systems will find in this book a clear, application oriented, methodology for system identification and the design of various types of controllers for single-input, singleoutput (SISO) systems.
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MATLAB offers an integrated environment in which you can design control systems.
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