Odin 将催化你的 Unity 工作流程,使它轻易地为你和整个团队构建功能强大并适用于高级用户的编辑器。
2021-05-08 16:20:09 4.16MB Odin Inspector Serializer u3d
2021-05-07 13:06:29 10.51MB unity 体积雾 插件 U3D
UI Holo UI for UGUI 很有科技感的unity 3d UI插件,带DEMO 直接导入可用 要求Unity 5.3.0 或更高版本。 Holo UI is a beautiful Sci-Fi UI for Unity. The package contains custom scripts. All the scripts are in C#. The ui contains many custom elements such as: Windows. Radio toggles. Small loading animation. Big loading bar. Tooltip box. Navigation arrow buttons. Three different size buttons (tiny, small and normal). Icon buttons. Table window. Custom cursor.
2021-05-06 15:38:55 4.48MB UI Holo Unity U3d
Obfuscator Pro is developed to increase software and game security especially for games build with Unity3d. It feature is to obfuscate built dotNet assemblies, like assembly-csharp and assembly-unityscript for Windows/Mac/Linux Standalone Games and embedded Systems like Android and IPhone. Other pl
2021-05-06 14:04:03 1.02MB Obfuscator ObfuscatorPro u3d
shader forge 基于官方,实测可用于2018版unity,稳定可用。将解压后的文件夹直接放入项目中即可使用。
2021-05-06 13:42:30 9.64MB 移动开发 shader unity 2018
2021-05-05 19:01:19 658.33MB 自用
2021-05-04 23:28:33 13.69MB u3d雨水插件 雨水插件
Amplify Shader Editor (ASE) is a node-based shader creation tool inspired by industry leading software. An open and tightly integrated solution, it provides a familiar and consistent development environment that seamlessly blends with Unity’s UI conventions and Shader use. Affordable quality and flexibility with the responsive customer support you can expect from Amplify Creations.
2021-05-03 21:06:08 76.07MB ASE Shader u3d Amplify
Skills for Game Creator gives you the ability to add a skill system to your game.
2021-05-03 21:06:08 1.45MB u3d Skill
Master Audio gives you tremendous ease of use, speed, power and flexibility far beyond any contender. Why use another underpowered solution and waste your time writing code? We've coded every scenario from easy to complex so you don't have to! We even have our own flexible "no coding" event-based script to hook sound up if you don't have Playmaker.
2021-05-03 21:06:08 39.4MB u3d Audio AAA