pygpc 基于广义多项式混沌方法的Python敏感性和不确定性分析工具箱 基本功能: N维系统的高效不确定性分析 使用Sobol指数和基于全局导数的敏感性指数进行敏感性分析 轻松耦合到用Python,Matlab等编写的用户定义模型... 并行化概念允许并行运行模型评估 高效的自适应算法可以分析复杂的系统 包括高效的CPU和GPU(CUDA)实施,可极大地加快解决高维和复杂问题的算法和后处理例程 包括最新技术,例如: 投影:确定最佳折减基数 L1最小化:利用压缩感测中的概念减少必要的模型评估 梯度增强型gPC:使用模型函数的梯度信息以提高准确性 多元素gPC:分析具有间断和急剧过渡的系统 优化的拉丁文Hypercube采样可实现快速收敛 应用领域: pygpc可用于分析各种不同的问题。 例如,在以下框架中使用它: 非破坏性测试: 无创性脑刺激: 经颅磁刺激:
Database management systems are now an indispensable tool for managing information and a course on the principles and practice of database systems is now an integral part of computer science curricula This book covers the fundamentals of modern database management systems in particular relational database systems We have attempted to present the material in a clear simple style A quantita tive approach is used throughout with many detailed examples An extensive set of exercises for which solutions are available online to instructors accom panies each chapter and reinforces students" ability to apply the concepts to real problems ">Database management systems are now an indispensable tool for managing information and a course on the principles and practice of database systems is now an integral part of computer science curricula This book covers the fundamentals of modern database management systems in particular relational [更多]
2022-01-08 16:59:10 19.21MB Database 数据库
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《 Python机器学习及实践:从零开始创造Kaggle竞赛之路(第2版)》开源数据和代码 本书的数据集,工具和代码:DIY_ML_Systems_with_Python_2nd_Edition 第二版概要: 《 Python机器学习实践(第二版)》一书适合所有对(深度)机器学习(Machine Learning),数据挖掘(Data Mining),以及自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)的技术实践研究的初学者。 本书从零开始,以Python编程语言为基础,在不重复叙述大量数学模型与复杂编程知识的替代下,逐步将读者逐步熟悉并掌握当下最流行的(深度)机器学习,数据挖掘以及自然语言处理的开源工具库(包):Scikit学习,Google Tensorflow,Pandas,Matplotlib,NLTK,Gensim,XGBoost,OpenAI Gym等。
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Operating Systems - Three Easy Pieces. v1.0 操作系统导论英文版 这是一本开源书籍: 这里是pdf合集
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NVIDIA Nsight Systems version 2021.2.1.58-642947b.msi. NVIDIA Nsight Systems is a system-wide performance analysis tool designed to visualize an application's algorithms.
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% 本文参照文献:Flocking for Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems:Algorithms and Theory clear; close all; clc; %% Parameters 初始化参数 num_agents = 100; t_gap=1; % 迭代间隔 queue_gap=15; % 队形间隔 queue_vy=12; queue_vx=13; queue_r=40; r_c=20; % 交互范围(半径) k=1.2; % 晶格的ratio d=r_c/k; % 晶格的scale(表示两两智能体之间的距离(论文中公式5)) v_0=2; % 初始速度 v_limit=0; % 最大速度 efs = 1; % sigma-norms parameter h=0.4; % 设置bump function的分割点(公式10) d_o = r_c; r_c_sigma = sigma_norm(r_c,efs); % r_c的σ范数 d_sigma = sigma_norm(d,efs); % d的σ范数 map_width = 400; % width of a squre map map_res = 0.5; % width of a grid to play obstacles pixel c1=0.2;c2=0.5;c3=0.2;c4=0.1;c5=10;c6=0.01; x = zeros(num_agents,2); % current position x_1 = zeros(num_agents,2); % previous position v_1 = zeros(num_agents,2); % previous velocity x_r0= zeros(num_agents,2); % x_r0:用来存储指定的队形信息 v_r_1st_point=300; path_num = zeros(1000,2,num_agents); v_r=[1,0];
2022-01-01 09:02:22 9KB Flocking Multi-Agent