Network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs) play a crucial role in defending computer networks. However, there are concernsregardingthefeasibilityandsustainabilityofcurrentapproacheswhenfacedwiththedemandsofmodernnetworks.More specifically, these concerns relate to the increasing levels of required human interaction and the decreasing levels of detection accuracy. This paper presents a novel deep learning technique for intrusion detection, which addresses these concerns. We detail our proposed nonsymmetric deep autoencoder (NDAE) for unsupervised feature learning. Furthermore, we also propose our novel deep learning classification model constructed using stacked NDAEs.Ourproposedclassifierhasbeenimplementedingraphics processing unit (GPU)-enabled TensorFlow and evaluated using the benchmark KDD Cup ’99 and NSL-KDD datasets. Promising resultshavebeenobtainedfromourmodelthusfar,demonstrating improvements over existing approaches and the strong potential for use in modern NIDSs.