Grid++Report是一款同时支持C/S软件(桌面程序)与B/S软件(WEB程序)开发的报表工具,功能全面易学易用。C/S开发适用于VB.NET、C#、VB6、VB、VC、Delphi、C++Builder、QT与易语言等。B/S开发适用于ASP.NET(C# & VB.NET),PHP,JSP(JAVA)等,支持所有WEB服务器。开发C/S报表与B/S报表的编程接口、报表模板与报表数据通用,共享相同的开发知识与设计资源。 1. 含C/S报表组件、WEB报表插件、HTML5报表与WEB报表服务器开发的相关文件。 2. Grid++Report多语言集成支持
轨道报告 该项目是使用版本8.2.2生成的。 开发服务器 为开发服务器运行ng serve 。 导航到http://localhost:4200/ 。 如果您更改任何源文件,该应用程序将自动重新加载。 代码脚手架 运行ng generate component component-name生成一个新的组件。 您还可以使用ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module 。 建造 运行ng build来构建项目。 构建工件将存储在dist/目录中。 使用--prod标志进行生产构建。 运行单元测试 运行ng test以通过执行单元测试。 运行端到端测试 运行ng e2e通过执行端到端测试。 进一步的帮助 要获得有关Angular CLI的更多帮助,请使用ng help或查看 。
2021-04-09 09:06:08 116KB TypeScript
自述文件 该自述文件通常会记录启动和运行应用程序所需的所有步骤。 您可能要讲的内容: Ruby版本 系统依赖 配置 数据库创建 数据库初始化 如何运行测试套件 服务(作业队列,缓存服务器,搜索引擎等) 部署说明 ...
2021-04-09 09:05:39 50KB Ruby
2021-04-08 14:11:08 412KB JavaScript
2021-04-06 18:00:14 62B Network
语言:English (United States) 此扩展程序允许Microsoft Reporting Services报表在Google Chrome中正确呈现。 这是一个简单的扩展,可以自动修复Microsoft方面CSS监督,从而导致SSRS报告在所有现代Web浏览器中显示为空白页。 如果您尝试使用Google Chrome浏览器查看Microsoft Reporting Services报表,并且看到的只是空白页,则此扩展程序将解决您的问题。
2021-04-03 17:08:34 8KB 扩展程序
2021-04-01 21:05:57 3.13MB c# report reportview
查看Windows SQL server 报表需要用到的基础组件
2021-03-31 18:04:04 5.89MB sql 系统安装 windows service
支持Unity2018 Trying to reduce your game build to less than 50 MB? Need to see which of your assets are eating up disk space? This tool provides a nice front-end for Unity's build info. It shows the assets included when you build and how much storage space each of them take. DLL List: See exactly what Mono DLLs are getting included in your build and how much space they take. Unused Assets List: Maybe you have files you don't use anymore? See what assets are not included in your build with the Unused Assets List! Save to XML: Save your build reports to XML files! Store multiple build reports for reference, or perhaps send them to your teammates. Project Settings: See what build settings were used on the project upon time of building. Useful for Continuous Integration systems when reviewing settings on automated builds. Also works on Personal Edition and mobile. For support or inquiries, send a tweet to @AnomalusUndrdog, send me a private message on the Unity forums, or join the discussion in our Unity forum thread
2021-03-30 16:19:34 267KB Unity 打包 工具