数据为何要降维 数据降维可以降低模型的计算量并减少模型运行时间、降低噪音变量信息对于模型结果的影响、便于通过可视化方式展示归约后的维度信息并减少数据存储空间。因此,大多数情况下,当我们面临高维数据时,都需要对数据做降维处理。 数据降维有两种方式:特征选择,维度转换 特征选择 特征选择指根据一定的规则和经验,直接在原有的维度中挑选一部分参与到计算和建模过程,用选择的特征代替所有特征,不改变原有特征,也不产生新的特征值。 特征选择的降维方式好处是可以保留原有维度特征的基础上进行降维,既能满足后续数据处理和建模需求,又能保留维度原本的业务含义,以便于业务理解和应用。对于业务分析性的应用而言,模型的可
2021-12-23 10:58:28 75KB python 数据 数据降维
2021-12-23 01:25:34 717KB python数据分析入门学习笔记
Python Data Structures and Algorithms by Benjamin Baka English | 30 May 2017 | ASIN: B01IF7NLM8 | 310 Pages | AZW3 | 6.63 MB Key Features A step by step guide, which will provide you with a thorough discussion on the analysis and design of fundamental Python data structures. Get a better understanding of advanced Python concepts such as big-o notation, dynamic programming, and functional data structures. Explore illustrations to present data structures and algorithms, as well as their analysis, in a clear, visual manner. Book Description Data structures allow you to organize data in a particular way efficiently. They are critical to any problem, provide a complete solution, and act like reusable code. In this book, you will learn the essential Python data structures and the most common algorithms. With this easy-to-read book, you will be able to understand the power of linked lists, double linked lists, and circular linked lists. You will be able to create complex data structures such as graphs, stacks and queues. We will explore the application of binary searches and binary search trees. You will learn the common techniques and structures used in tasks such as preprocessing, modeling, and transforming data. We will also discuss how to organize your code in a manageable, consistent, and extendable way. The book will explore in detail sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, and merge sort. By the end of the book, you will learn how to build components that are easy to understand, debug, and use in different applications. What you will learn Gain a solid understanding of Python data structures. Build sophisticated data applications. Understand the common programming patterns and algorithms used in Python data science. Write efficient robust code. About the Author Benjamin Baka works as a software developer and has over 10 years, experience in programming. He is a graduate of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and a member of the Linux Accra User Group. Notable in his language toolset are C, C++, Java, Python, and Ruby. He has a huge interest in algorithms and finds them a good intellectual exercise. He is a technology strategist and software engineer at mPedigree Network, weaving together a dizzying array of technologies in combating counterfeiting activities, empowering consumers in Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya to name a few. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the bass guitar and listening to silence. You can find him on his blog. Table of Contents Python objects, types and expressions Python data types and structures Principles of data structure design Lists and pointer structures Stacks and Queues Trees Hashing and symbol tables Graphs and other algorithms Searching Sorting Selction Algorithms Design Ttechniques and Sstrategies Implementations, applications and tools
2021-12-22 18:08:34 6.63MB Python 数据结构 算法
源码如下 from scapy.all import * import logging logging.getLogger('scapy.runtime').setLevel(logging.ERROR) target_ip = '' target_port = 80 data = 'GET / HTTP/1.0 \r\n\r\n' def start_tcp(target_ip,target_port): global sport,s_seq,d_seq #主要是用于TCP3此握手建立连接后继续发送数据 try: #第一次握手,发
2021-12-22 16:39:47 73KB python 数据 连接
数据结构与算法目录为 数据结构与算法(Python) 1. 引入概念 1.1. 第一次尝试 1.2. 算法的提出 1.3. 第二次尝试 1.4. 算法效率衡量 1.5. 算法分析 1.6. 常见时间复杂度 1.7. Python内置类型性能分析 1.8. 数据结构 2. 顺序表 2.1. 顺序表的形式 2.2. 顺序表的结构与实现 2.3. 顺序表的操作 2.4. Python中的顺序表 3. 链表 3.1. 单向链表 3.2. 单项循环链表 3.3. 双向链表 4. 栈 4.1. 栈结构实现 5. 队列 5.1. 队列的实现 5.2. 双端队列 6. 排序与搜索 6.1. 冒泡排序 6.2. 选择排序 6.3. 插入排序 6.4. 快速排序 6.5. 希尔排序 6.6. 归并排序 6.7. 常见排序算法效率比较 6.8. 搜索 7. 树与树算法 7.1. 二叉树 7.2. 二叉树的遍历
2021-12-22 14:23:53 86.12MB python 数据结构与算法 非常详细
2021-12-22 14:13:33 60.77MB 数据分析
1 . 利用matlab实现KNN算法对wine数据集的分类,并对分类结果进行了识别率的计算。
2021-12-22 13:20:30 1KB KNN算法
数据分析小实例MovieLens 1M数据集测量评价分歧美国1880~2010年婴儿名字分析名字趋势计量命名多样性的增加“最后一个字母”革命男孩的名字变成女孩的名字(以及反向)2012年美国联邦选举委员会数据库按职业和雇主的捐献统计捐赠金额分桶按州进行捐赠统计 小实例内容来自《利用python进行数据分析》。 本文中可能使用的数据集来自:《利用python进行数据分析》数据集。 MovieLens 1M数据集 由GroupLens实验室从MoviesLens收集,内容是20世纪90年代末带21世纪初的电影评分数据。这些数据包含电影的评分、电影的元数据(流派和年份)以及观众数据(年龄、邮编、性别
2021-12-21 10:13:29 435KB python 数据 数据分析
注意:由于数据源的修改,某些记录可能看起来不完整或与前几天不一致。 ---专用警告--- 以下文件将不再更新。 随着新数据结构的发布,我们将更新时间序列表以反映这些变化。 请参考time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv和time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv以获取最新的时间序列数据。 time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv time_series_19-covid-Deaths.csv time_series_19-covid-Recovered.csv
2021-12-20 20:14:39 1.72MB JupyterNotebook
2021-12-20 18:03:00 690B spring python 数据分析