此 MATLAB 工具箱根据以下文档生成可见光通信 (VLC) 信道脉冲响应:M. Uysal、F. Miramirkhani、T. Baykas 和 K. Qaraqe,“IEEE 802.11bb 室内环境参考信道模型”,IEEE 802.11- 18/1582r4,2018 年 11 月。
2022-03-10 20:39:01 10.86MB matlab
snr matlab代码大规模MIMO和智能反射表面的功率缩放定律和近场特性 这是与以下科学文章相关的代码包: EmilBjörnson和Luca Sanguinetti,“通信协会IEEE开放期刊”出现。 该软件包包含一个基于Matlab的仿真环境,该环境可复制本文中的一些数值结果和图形。 我们鼓励您也进行可重复的研究! 文章摘要 大型阵列的使用可能是无线通信中容量问题的解决方案。 当使用Massive MIMO接收器和半双工中继器时,信噪比(SNR)随着阵列元素N的数量线性增加。 此外,智能反射表面(IRS)最近引起了人们的注意,因为它们可以中继信号以达到随N ^ 2增长的SNR,这似乎是一个主要好处。 在本文中,我们对任意大小的平面阵列使用确定性传播模型,以证明所提到的SNR行为和相关的功率缩放定律仅适用于远场。 它们不能用于研究N→∞的状态。 我们得出了一个精确的通道增益表达式,该表达式捕获了三个基本的近场行为,并使用它重新审视了功率定律。 我们得出了新的有限渐近SNR极限,但也得出结论,在实践中不太可能达到这些极限。 我们进一步证明,尽管具有更快的SNR增长,但IRS辅助设置
2022-03-10 16:23:42 15KB 系统开源
IEEE Latex 会议模板 支持英文 双栏,经测试可用
2022-03-10 14:35:03 140KB Latex 模板
2022-03-10 10:43:19 3.14MB Verilo
IEEE 802.3ad,非常难得的资料!快来分享吧!
2022-03-09 19:32:04 1.58MB Link Aggregation、链路聚合
IEEE电气和电子工程师协会_工程科学类的全部 关键词索引.pdf
2022-03-07 16:11:45 341KB IEEE
IEEE Standard for System and Software Verification and Validation IEEE Std 1012-2012 Front Cover -14 Title Page -12 Notice to users -9 Laws and regulations -9 Copyrights -9 Updating of IEEE documents -9 Errata -9 Patents -8 Participants -7 Introduction -5 Contents -3 Important notice 1 1. Overview 1 1.1 Scope 1 1.2 Purpose 2 1.3 Field of application 3 1.4 V&V objectives 4 1.5 Organization of the standard 4 1.6 Audience 6 1.7 Conformance 7 1.8 Disclaimer 7 2. Normative references 7 3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms 7 3.1 Definitions 7 3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms 11 4. Relationships between V&V and life cycle processes 12 5. Integrity levels 15 6. V&V processes overview 17 6.1 General 17 6.2 V&V testing 18 7. Common V&V activities 19 7.1 Activity: V&V Management 19 7.2 Activity: Acquisition Support V&V 20 7.3 Activity: Supply Planning V&V 21 7.4 Activity: Project Planning V&V 21 7.5 Activity: Configuration Management V&V 21 8. System V&V activities 33 8.1 Activity: Stakeholder Requirements Definition V&V 33 The purpose of the Stakeholder Requirements Definition Process is to define the requirements for a system that can provide the services needed by users and other stakeholders in a defined environment. It identifies stakeholders, or stakeholder classes... 33 The V&V effort shall perform, as specified in Table 2b for the selected integrity level, the following Stakeholder Requirements Definition V&V tasks described in Table 1b: 33 8.2 Activity: Requirements Analysis V&V 33 8.3 Activity: Architectural Design V&V 34 8.4 Activity: Implementation V&V 35 8.5 Activity: Integration V&V 35 8.6 Activity: Transition V&V 36 8.7 Activity: Operation V&V 36 8.8 Activity: Maintenance V&V 37 8.9 Activity: Disposal V&V 38 9. Software V&V activities 68 9.1 Activity: Software Concept V&V 68 9.2 Activity: Software Requirements V&V 68 9.3 Activity: Software Design V&V 69 9.4 Activity: Software Construction V&V 69 9.5 Activity: Software Integration Test V&V 70 9.6 Activity: Software Qualification Test V&V 70 9.7 Activity: Software Acceptance Test V&V 71 9.8 Activity: Software Installation and Checkout V&V 71 9.9 Activity: Software Operation V&V 72 9.10 Activity: Software Maintenance V&V 72 9.11 Activity: Software Disposal V&V 73 10. Hardware V&V activities 110 10.1 Activity: Hardware Concept V&V 110 10.2 Activity: Hardware Requirements V&V 110 10.3 Activity: Hardware Design V&V 111 10.4 Activity: Hardware Fabrication V&V 111 10.5 Activity: Hardware Integration Test V&V 112 10.6 Activity: Hardware Qualification Test V&V 112 10.7 Activity: Hardware Acceptance Test V&V 113 10.8 Activity: Hardware Transition V&V 113 10.9 Activity: Hardware Operation V&V 114 10.10 Activity: Hardware Maintenance V&V 114 10.11 Activity: Hardware Disposal V&V 115 11. V&V reporting, administrative, and documentation requirements 147 11.1 V&V reporting requirements 147 11.2 V&V administrative requirements 150 11.3 V&V documentation requirements 150 12. V&V plan outline 151 12.1 Overview 151 12.2 VVP Section 1: Purpose 152 12.3 VVP Section 2: Referenced documents 152 12.4 VVP Section 3: Definitions 152 12.5 VVP Section 4: V&V overview 152 12.5.1 VVP Section 4.1: Organization 152 12.5.2 VVP Section 4.2: Master schedule 153 12.5.3 VVP Section 4.3: Integrity level scheme 153 12.5.4 VVP Section 4.4: Resources summary 153 12.5.5 VVP Section 4.5: Responsibilities 153 12.5.6 VVP Section 4.6: Tools, techniques, and methods 153 12.6 VVP Section 5: V&V processes 154 12.6.1 VVP Section 5.1: Common V&V Processes, Activities, and Tasks 154 12.6.2 VVP Section 5.2: System V&V Processes, Activities, and Tasks 154 12.6.3 VVP Section 5.3: Software V&V Processes, Activities, and Tasks 154 12.6.4 VVP Section 5.4: Hardware V&V Processes, Activities, and Tasks 154 12.7 VVP Section 6: V&V reporting requirements 154 12.8 VVP Section 7: V&V administrative requirements 154 12.8.1 General 154 12.8.2 VVP Section 7.1: Anomaly resolution and reporting 154 12.8.3 VVP Section 7.2: Task iteration policy 154 12.8.4 VVP Section 7.3: Deviation policy 155 12.8.5 VVP Section 7.4: Control procedures 155 12.8.6 VVP Section 7.5: Standards, practices, and conventions 155 12.9 VVP Section 8: V&V test documentation requirements 155 Annex A (informative) Mapping of IEEE 1012 V&V activities and tasks 156 A.1 Mapping of ISO/IEC 15288 V&V requirements to IEEE 1012 V&V activities and tasks 156 A.2 Mapping of IEEE 1012 V&V activities to ISO/IEC 15288 system life cycle processes and activities 158 A.3 Mapping of ISO/IEC 12207 V&V requirements to IEEE 1012 V&V activities and tasks 159 A.4 Mapping of IEEE 1012 V&V activities to IEEE 12207 software life cycle processes and activities 161 Annex B (informative) A risk-based, integrity-level scheme 163 Annex C (informative) Definition of independent V&V (IV&V) 165 C.1 Technical independence 165 C.2 Managerial independence 165 C.3 Financial independence 165 C.4 Forms of independence 165 C.4.1 Classical IV&V 166 C.4.2 Modified IV&V 166 C.4.3 Integrated IV&V 166 C.4.4 Internal IV&V 166 C.4.5 Embedded V&V 167 Annex D (informative) V&V of reuse software 168 D.1 Purpose 168 D.2 V&V of software developed in a reuse process 169 D.2.1 V&V of assets in development 169 D.2.2 V&V of reused assets 169 D.3 V&V of software developed and reused outside of a reuse process 169 Annex E (informative) V&V measures 175 E.1 Introduction 175 E.2 Measures for evaluating anomaly density 175 E.3 Measures for evaluating V&V effectiveness 176 E.4 Measures for evaluating V&V efficiency 176 Annex F (informative) Example of V&V relationships to other project responsibilities 178 Annex G (informative) Optional V&V tasks 179 Annex H (informative) Environmental factors considerations 185 H.1 Introduction 185 H.2 In the agreement processes 185 H.3 In the organizational project-enabling processes 185 H.4 In the project processes 186 H.5 In the technical processes 186 Annex I (informative) V&V of system, software, and hardware integration 188 I.1 Introduction 188 I.2 Examples of system failures caused by integration issues 188 I.2.1 Year 2000 System Integration Issue 189 I.2.2 System architecture integration issues 189 I.3 System, software, and hardware interaction issues 190 Annex J (informative) Hazard, security, and risk analyses 193 J.1 Hazard analysis 193 Annex K (informative) Example of assigning and changing the system integrity level of “supporting system functions” 198 Annex L (informative) Mapping of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and IEEE 12207 process outcomes to V&V tasks 200 Annex M (informative) Bibliography 209
2022-03-07 09:00:27 8.51MB IEEE 1012 测试验证 VER
通过深度强化学习的交通信号时间,IEEE最新文章 .打造交通信号控制的强化学习系统 如果把由信号机、检测器等组成的交通信号控制系统当成一个“智能体”,将我们目睹的人车路当成“环境”,通过如下方式就可以构造强化学习系统:传感器从环境里获取观测状态(例如:流量、速度、排队长度等),传递给信号机,信号控制系统根据这些状态来选择一个得分最高状态的动作来执行(例如:当前相位保持绿灯或者切换成红灯),并对执行效果进行回馈(例如:采用排队长度作为回报函数),系统根据回报结果,调整打分系统的参数。这样就形成一个循环的过程,就能达到不断学习改进。
2022-03-06 11:18:21 909KB 深度学习IEEE
1.随机输入数据生成2.符号映射3.16-QAM 调制4.ofdm信号产生
2022-03-06 11:10:54 2KB matlab
IEEE std 802.1D-1998英文版标准文档,主要讲述STP(生成树协议),IEEE std 802.1D-2004版本中STP内容已被RSTP代替,想了解STP内容的朋友必须看此文档
2022-03-05 23:15:53 1.83MB 802.1D STP 生成树协议