最新完整英文电子版 BS EN 71-3:2019+ A1:2021 Safety of toys - Part 3:Migration of certain elements(玩具安全 第 3 部分:特定元素的迁移 )。 本文件规定了铝、锑、砷、钡、硼、镉、铬 (III)、铬 (VI)、钴、铜、铅、锰、汞、镍、硒、锶、锡的迁移要求和测试方法 、来自玩具材料和玩具零件的有机锡和锌。
2021-10-11 13:04:07 1.01MB en EN71-3 玩具 安全
完整英文电子版 ETSI EN 300 328:2019(V2.2.2)Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz band; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum (宽带传输系统; 在 2.4 GHz 频段运行的数据传输设备; 无线电频谱接入协调标准)。本文件适用于宽带数据传输设备。 本文件还描述了频谱接入要求,以促进与其他设备的频谱共享。
2021-10-11 13:02:41 1.5MB ETSI EN 300328 V2.2.2
完整英文电子版 ETSI EN 301 489-17:2020(V3.2.4)ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 17:Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems(无线电设备和服务的电磁兼容性 (EMC) 标准 - 第 17 部分:宽带数据传输系统的特定条件)。本文件规定了宽带数据传输系统设备(包括相关辅助设备的电磁兼容性)的技术特性和测量方法,与天线端口和无线电设备外壳端口发射相关的技术规范不包括在本文件中, 此类技术规范可在有关有效使用无线电频谱的产品标准中找到。
2021-10-11 13:02:40 120KB etsi en 301489-17 电磁兼容性
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB specification for data broadcasting
2021-10-09 09:53:24 460KB ETSI EN 301 192
1. For reference to Infor SCE 11.0X only; 2. Try to fix one word to 一词; 3. Try to translate under origin sequency; 4. 001 & 002 Word Specification (Two Parts) are helpful.
2021-10-08 23:07:00 19.05MB InforSCE11.0X SCE-WMS EN-CN
1. For reference to Infor SCE 11.0X only; 2. Try to fix one word to 一词; 3. Try to translate under origin sequency; 4. 001 & 002 Word Specification (Two Parts) are helpful.
2021-10-08 23:07:00 100.77MB InforSCE11.0X SCE-WMS EN-CN
1. For reference to Infor SCE 11.0X only; 2. Try to fix one word to 一词; 3. Try to translate under origin sequency; 4. 001 & 002 Word Specification (Two Parts) are helpful.
2021-10-08 23:06:59 96.64MB InforSCE11.0X SCE-WMS EN-CN
1. For reference to Infor SCE 11.0X only; 2. Try to fix one word to 一词; 3. Try to translate under origin sequency; 4. 001 & 002 Word Specification (Two Parts) are helpful.
2021-10-08 23:06:59 110.84MB InforSCE11.0X SCE-WMS EN-CN
1. For reference to Infor SCE 11.0X only; 2. Try to fix one word to 一词; 3. Try to translate under origin sequency.
2021-10-08 23:06:59 3.13MB InforSCE11.0X SCE-WMS EN-CN
1. For reference to Infor SCE 11.0X only; 2. Try to fix one word to 一词; 3. Try to translate under origin sequency; 4. 001 & 002 Word Specification (Two Parts) are helpful.
2021-10-08 23:06:58 7.82MB InforSCE11.0X SCE-WMS EN-CN