Quartus II Handbook 13.1 Volume 1:Design and Synthesis Volume 2:Design Implementation and Optimization Volume 3:Verification
2021-09-07 23:14:19 32.99MB Quartus Handbook
小梅哥FPGA学习笔记之Quartus II 15.0中仿真DDR2 IP核.pdf
2021-09-07 20:40:05 742KB Quartus II 15.0 中仿真DDR2
windows pro 版本
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Quartus 中 fft ip core 的中文使用说明,包含VHDL程序代码
2021-09-06 10:58:12 391KB Quartus fft ip
2021-09-06 10:33:02 1.65MB Quartus FFT核 使用手册
#首先安装Quartus II 11.0软件(默认是32/64-Bit一起安装): #用Quartus_II_11.0_x86破解器(内部版).exe破解 C:\altera\11.0\quartus\bin下的sys_cpt.dll文件(运行Quartus_II_11.0_x86破解器(内部版).exe后,直接点击“应用补丁”,如果出现“未找到该文件。搜索该文件吗?”,点击“是”,(如果直接把该破解器Copy到 C:\altera\11.0\quartus\bin下,就不会出现这个对话框,而是直接开始破解!)然后选中sys_cpt.dll,点击“打开”。安装默认的sys_cpt.dll路径是在C:\altera\11.0\quartus\bin下)。 #把license.dat里的XXXXXXXXXXXX 用您老的网卡号替换(在Quartus II 11.0的Tools菜单下选择License Setup,下面就有NIC ID)。 #在Quartus II 11.0的Tools菜单下选择License Setup,然后选择License file,最后点击OK。 #注意:license文件存放的路径名称不能包含汉字和空格,空格可以用下划线代替。 #备注:此软件在Windows XP和Windows 7的32/64位操作系统下都验证过了,没有问题!Windows Vista 32/64因为微软都放弃了,所以没有验证,理论上应该可以正常使用。 #仅限于学习,不要用于商业目的! 严禁贴到网上!!! #此软件已经通过了诺顿测试,在其它某些杀毒软件下,也许被误认为是“病毒”,这是杀毒软件智能化程度不够的原因,所以只能暂时关闭之。
2021-09-02 17:18:04 30KB 破解器
Cyclone2 FPGA读写SRAM IS61LV25616 实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件 module SRAM_TEST ( //input input sys_clk , //system clock; input sys_rst_n , //system reset, low is active; //output inout [15:0] SRAM_DQ , output reg [17:0] SRAM_ADDR , output reg SRAM_CE , output reg SRAM_OE , output reg SRAM_WE , output reg SRAM_UB , output reg SRAM_LB , output reg [ 7:0] LED ); //Reg define reg [3:0] div_cnt ; reg sram_clk ; reg [5:0] ctrl_cnt ; reg [15:0] sram_data_lck ; reg [15:0] sram_din ; //Wire define //************************************************************************************ //** Main Program //** //************************************************************************************ // counter used for div osc clk to sram ctrl clk 50M/16 always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) div_cnt <= 4'b0; else div_cnt <= div_cnt + 4'b1; end //gen sram_clk always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) sram_clk <= 1'b0 ; else if ( div_cnt <= 4'd7 ) sram_clk <= 1'b1 ; else sram_clk <= 1'b0 ; end // sram ctrl signal gen // ctrl_cnt 0 - 31 is for write ctrl // ctrl_cnt 31 - 63 is for read ctrl always @(posedge sram_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) ctrl_cnt <= 6'b0; else ctrl_cnt <= ctrl_cnt + 6'b1; end always @(posedge sram_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) SRAM_ADDR <= 18'b0; else if ( ctrl_cnt
Cyclone2 FPGA读写FLASH SST39VF1601 实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件 module FLASH_TEST ( //input input sys_clk , //system clock; input sys_rst_n , //system reset, low is active; //output inout [15:0] FLASH_DQ , output reg [20:0] FLASH_ADDR , output reg FLASH_CE , output reg FLASH_OE , output reg FLASH_WE , output reg FLASH_RST , output reg [ 7:0] LED ); //Reg define reg [3:0] div_cnt ; reg flash_clk ; reg [31:0] wait_cnt ; reg [5:0] ctrl_cnt ; reg [15:0] flash_data_lck ; reg [15:0] flash_din ; //Wire define //************************************************************************************ //** Main Program //** //************************************************************************************ // counter used for div osc clk to flash ctrl clk 50M/16 , one flash ctrl clk cycle is 330ns always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) div_cnt <= 4'b0; else div_cnt <= div_cnt + 4'b1; end //gen flash_clk always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) flash_clk <= 1'b0 ; else if ( div_cnt <= 4'd7 ) flash_clk <= 1'b1 ; else flash_clk <= 1'b0 ; end // flash ctrl signal gen // read FLASH devid need 5 step : // ctrl_cnt 10 - 13 is write oxaa in addr 0x5555 // ctrl_cnt 14 - 17 is write ox55 in addr 0x2aaa // ctrl_cnt 18 - 21 is write ox90 in addr 0x5555 // ctrl_cnt 22 -30 is wait time for TIDA // ctrl_cnt 31 -34 is read manId in addr 0 // ctrl_cnt 35 -38 is read devid in addr
Cyclone2 FPGA读写DAC_TLC5620实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件 module DA_TLC5620 ( //input input sys_clk , //system clock; input sys_rst_n , //system reset, low is active; //output output reg DA_IO_CLK , output reg DA_LOAD , output reg DA_LDAC , output reg DA_OUT_DATA , output reg [7:0] LED ); //Reg define reg [6:0] div_cnt ; reg da_clk ; reg [4:0] ctrl_cnt ; reg [15:0] delay_cnt ; reg [ 7:0] analog_data ; //Wire define //************************************************************************************ //** Main Program //** //************************************************************************************ // counter used for div osc clk to da ctrl clk 50M/64 = 0.78Mhz always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) div_cnt <= 6'b0; else div_cnt <= div_cnt + 6'b1; end //gen da_clk always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) da_clk <= 1'b0 ; else if ( div_cnt <= 6'd31 ) da_clk <= 1'b1 ; else da_clk <= 1'b0 ; end // da ctrl signal gen // ctrl_cnt 0 - 32 is for da ctrl always @(posedge da_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) ctrl_cnt <= 5'b0; else ctrl_cnt <= ctrl_cnt + 5'b1; end always @(posedge da_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) begin if (sys_rst_n ==1'b0) DA_IO_CLK <= 1'b0; else if ( ctrl_cnt == 5'd6 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd8 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd10 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd12 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd14 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd16 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd18 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd20 || ctrl_cnt == 5'd22 || ctrl_