看了一下有好多朋友需要USB Tree View 源码,上一个博客工程只给了编译好的dll,还有通过AutoIt 调用的源码,好多朋友可能不熟悉autoit,今天把USB Tree View 修改版源码也分享给大家,希望能给USB开发的朋友带来帮助。 该版本是命令行输出形式,删除了原版本的GUI界面,需要修改为GUI界面的朋友可以自行修改。我的资源如果对你有帮助的话希望能支持点赞,谢谢!
2021-09-07 09:47:35 1.76MB USB Tree View 命令行
## A C++11 implementation of the B-Tree part of "The Case for Learned Index Structures" A research **proof of concept** that implements the B-Tree section of [The Case for Learned Index Structures](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.01208.pdf) paper in C++. The general design is to have a single lookup structure that you can parameterize with a KeyType and a ValueType, and an overflow list that keeps new inserts until you retrain. There is a value in the constructor of the RMI that triggers a retrain when the overflow array reaches a certain size. The basic API: ```c++ // [first/second]StageParams are network parameters int maxAllowedError = 256; int maxBufferBeforeRetrain = 10001; auto modelIndex = RecursiveModelIndex recursiveModelIndex(firstStageParams, secondStageParams, maxAllowedError, maxBufferBeforeRetrain); for (int ii = 0; ii < 10000; ++ii) { modelIndex.insert(ii, ii * 2); } // Since we still have one more insert before retraining, retrain before searching... modelIndex.train(); auto result = modelIndex.find(5); if (result) { std::cout << "Yay! We got: " << result.get().first << ", " << result.get().second << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Value not found." << std::endl; // This shouldn't happen in the above usage... } ``` See [src/main.cpp](src/main.cpp) for a usage example where it stores scaled log normal data. ### Dependencies - [nn_cpp](https://github.com/bcaine/nn_cpp) - Eigen based minimalistic C++ Neural Network library - [cpp-btree](https://code.google.com/archive/p/cpp-btree/) - A fast C++ implementation of a B+ Tree ### TODO: - Lots of code cleanup - Profiling of where the slowdowns are. On small tests, the cpp_btree lib beats it by 10-100x - Eigen::TensorFixed in nn_cpp would definitel
2021-09-03 13:57:46 402KB C++ B-Tree
Chucky: A Succinct Cuckoo Filter for LSM-Tree Niv Dayan, Moshe Twitto Pliops
2021-09-03 13:01:30 1.92MB LSM-Tree KV存储
2021-09-02 19:05:03 2.08MB ztree 移动端
2021-09-02 11:45:36 52KB layui tree 组件 搜索
2021-09-02 09:33:01 6KB easyui spring
虚拟树 基于vue3封装的树组件,该树组件专用于大数据量,如果数据量不大,则使用此组件会有点浪费 英文& 如何使用 npm i vue-virtual-tree 全局注册,但这会丢失类型,如果您使用打字稿,则不建议使用此方法 import { createApp } from 'vue' ; import VirTree from 'vue-virtual-tree' ; createApp ( App ) . use ( VirTree ) . mount ( '#app' ) ; In components : 部分注册,您可以获得完整的类型 < / div > < / template > < s
2021-09-01 09:00:18 303KB JavaScript
eCharts tree单向布局方式,通过改造,调整为双向布局方式!
2021-08-30 20:37:01 207KB echarts  tree
有预览图,要html效果,有jsp代码,使用者只需要在后台构建一个json对象,返回json数据,这里我都给你写好了,只需要直接使用。我这里从后台返回的数据存放在json.txt里。在html页面中也是这几存放。 另一个jsp页面有详细继承了sturts2标签的应用。 后台通过递归来获取树状结构的方法。
前言: 这是我的做法,基本上是搬运官方的办法照葫芦画瓢,我也不知道有没有更好的方法能拿到 tree组件的实例 element-tree 增加节点的方法 如果在模板中定于了 的数据源如下: 那么在当前Vue组件实例中定义并初始化数据源 export default { name: 'Tree', data(){ return{ nodeData: [ { id:999, labelName:root, children:[] }
2021-08-30 10:42:52 50KB data elem element