[AorV] Either A or V where
A is a NxN adjacency matrix, where A(I,J) is nonzero if and only if an edge connects point I to point J
NOTE: Works for both symmetric and asymmetric A
V is a Nx2 (or Nx3) matrix of x,y,(z) coordinates
[xyCorE] Either xy or C or E (or E3) where
xy is a Nx2 (or Nx3) matrix of x,y,(z) coordinates (equivalent to V)
NOTE: only valid with A as the first input
C is a NxN cost (perhaps distance) matrix, where C(I,J) contains the value of the cost to move from point I to point J
NOTE: only valid with A as the first input
E is a Px2 matrix containing a list of edge connections
NOTE: only valid with V as the first input
E3 is a Px3 matrix containing a list of edge connections in the first two columns and edge weights in the third column
NOTE: only valid with V as the first input
[SID] (optional) 1xL vector of starting points. If unspecified, the algorithm will calculate the minimal path from all N points to the finish point(s) (automatically sets SID = 1:N)
[FID] (optional) 1xM vector of finish points. If unspecified, the algorithm will calculate the minimal path from the starting point(s) to all N points (automatically sets FID = 1:N)
[costs] is an LxM matrix of minimum cost values for the minimal paths
[paths] is an LxM cell containing the shortest path arrays
[showWaitbar] (optional) a scalar logical that initializes a waitbar if nonzero
If the inputs are [A,xy] or [V,E], the cost is assumed to be (and is calculated as) the point to point Euclidean distance
If the inputs are [A,C] or [V,E3], the cost is obtained from either the C matrix or from the edge weights in the 3rd column of E3
% Calculate the (all pairs) shortest distances and paths using [A,C] inputs
n = 7; A = zeros(n); xy = 10*rand(n,2)
tri = delaunay(xy(:,1),xy(:,2));
I = tri(:); J = tri(:,[2 3 1]); J = J(:);
IJ = I + n*(J-1); A(IJ) = 1
a = (1:n); b = a(ones(n,1),:);
C = round(reshape(sqrt(sum((xy(b,:) -
2019-12-21 21:05:49