2021-10-13 18:02:22 3.61MB BehaviorDesigner 行为树 unity 插件
2021-10-13 13:09:00 1.69MB unity3d 动态编辑 拖动缩放旋转 unity插件
Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher. AudioStream provides proper audio streaming support for Unity - mainly for mobile platforms and the Editor, where there is official support lacking a bit currently. It uses the low level API of FMOD Studio directly thus providing seamless and very low profile streaming experience during indefinitely long periods of time. AudioStream can stream: - internet radios M3U/8 and PLS playlists with tags support - audio files hosted on the internet/cloud such as podcasts - local audio files on a regular filesystem (according to platform) - for list of supported formats see formats FMOD recognizes (see e.g. Wikipedia) Compatible with all other audio packages when using standard AudioSource Unity component. Corresponding AudioSource can be used as normal including spatialization, effecting and mixer routing.
2021-10-11 14:50:27 1.98MB AUDIOSTREAM
A*寻路最好插件,没有之一。A Pathfinding Project Pro ——Unity Asset Store上价值$100
2021-10-10 13:06:48 12.61MB A*寻路 Unity插件 源码
包含多种光源的光晕,添加在光源的Flare上,观察的摄像机需添加Flare Layer组件
2021-10-09 16:19:09 1.83MB unity 插件 阳光 光晕
2021-10-09 16:11:11 731KB Unity 插件
Vectrosity5.6 最新版 画直线、画点、画曲线、画方框。 Vectrosity插件是Unity3D目前发现的一个画线最好的工具插件。 仅供个人研究使用,请勿商用,否则后果自负。
2021-10-09 10:16:03 2.31MB Unity 插件 Vectrosity 划线
unity动态天空盒天气系统Azure[Sky] Dynamic Skybox 4.4.0 Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher. Azure[Sky] Dynamic Skybox is a complete and robust sky system that will raise your project to another level. This system is being improved since 2015 always considering the feedback and needs of the users and for
2021-10-08 14:13:15 142.86MB Unity 插件 天空盒 天气系统
图片转粒子插件。不怎么会用, 希望有能够用得上的地方。 希望有人能够用得到!谢谢支持! 图片转粒子插件。不怎么会用, 希望有能够用得上的地方。 希望有人能够用得到!谢谢支持!
2021-10-08 12:12:00 17.89MB Unity插件
Unity HTTP插件 如果您想要一个插件来支持通过HTTP / 2进行REST,WebSocket,Socket.IO,SignalR,SignalR Core,服务器发送事件(以及更多)的请求自定义,并提供常规更新和开发者的出色支持,那么BestHTTP / 2是适合您的工具! 您可以在其自己的演示页面上试用该软件包,并阅读在线文档。 包括所有源代码! 支持平台: -WebGL -iOS,Android
2021-10-07 10:15:00 2.31MB unity3d HTTP插件