用于MongoDB,Node.js和Vue.js的入门级存储库,具有基于Docker的本地环境。 堆栈用于MongoDB,Node.js和Vue.js的入门级存储库,具有基于Docker的本地环境。 安装运行堆栈$ docker-compose up从浏览器访问堆栈启动器堆栈与负载均衡器一起使用,该负载均衡器绑定到端口80和443。它当前服务于域http://stack.localhost。 为了通过堆栈到达前端,您需要编辑主机文件(通常在UNIX环境中的/ etc / hosts和C:\ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc \ ho下
2022-01-05 11:03:54 365KB Node.js Web frameworks
2022-01-03 19:04:11 1.49MB node.js
jsterm jsterm是由Node.js和xterm.js组成的终端模拟器。 要求 文献资料 入门 使用npm安装jsterm: $ npm install jsterm 您现在可以像这样使用jsterm: let Terminal = require ( 'jsterm' ) let term = new Terminal ( 1337 ) // localhost:1337 - Default shell term . add ( 'cmd.exe' ) // localhost:1337/cmd.exe term . add ( 'bash.exe' ) // localhost:1337/bash.exe term . add ( 'node.exe' ) // localhost:1337/node.exe term . listen ( ) console .
2021-12-31 15:11:40 41KB JavaScript
目前nodejs调用c++主流的有两种方法,分别是addons和ffi addons是nodejs官方的c++扩展实现方案,但是由于需要使用模版,并且要对v8引擎有一定的了解,入门门槛较高。 ffi是nodejs直接调用so库的一种实现,可以调用纯c的接口。 要想node.js调用C++的函数等,须先将C++代码编译成二进制的.node文件。node.js官方文档https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v8.x/docs/api/addons.html中的C++ addons介绍了如何将C++的代码编译为二进制的.node文件。 一、步骤: 1.首先在项目目录进行np
2021-12-30 19:46:12 93KB c++ js node
闲谈现场 这是一个基于Node.js,Express和MongoDB的简单网站。 它主要用作示例站点,以了解Express框架如何在后端工作。 它包括使用PassportJS进行身份验证的注册/登录。 所有用户凭证,聊天和会话将存储在本地mongoDB数据库中。 聊天室的大多数前端设计(css和jquery)已从使用或修改 应用演练 亮点 使用passwordJS本地策略进行登录/注册和身份验证。 在MongoDB数据库上存储用户,会话和过去的聊天室。 使用SOCKET.IO的实时聊天室,通过身份验证的用户可以实时相互聊天。 同样,加载过去的聊天记录,保存在数据库中。 使用EJS作为前端模板 安装 克隆此存储库并运行npm install 然后运行'npm run dev' 在网站上访问localhost:4000并进行探索。 Docker指南 如果您的计算机中安装了Docker
2021-12-30 01:58:14 60KB JavaScript
Beginning Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet got started with Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away. Using this book you will learn important Node.js concepts for server-side programming. You will begin with an easy-to-follow pure JavaScript primer, which you can skip if you're confident of your JS skills. You'll then delve into Node.js concepts such as streams and events, and the technology involved in building full-stack Node.js applications. You'll also learn how to test your Node.js code, and deploy your Node.js applications on the internet. Node.js is a great and simple platform to work with. It is lightweight, easy to deploy and manage. You will see how using Node.js can be a fun and rewarding experience - start today with Beginning Node.js. What you’ll learn • Learn how JavaScript can help you be highly productive as a full-stack developer • How to set up an end to end Node.js development environment • Learn how to create reusable and maintainable Node.js modules • Patterns for sharing code between the server and the client • Create Node.js restful web services and websites • Store and retrieve your data using Document Databases • How to test your Node.js applications • How to deploy your applications on the internet Who this book is for Beginning Node.js is great for front-end developers looking to use Node.js in their websites. If you understand the basics of programming this book will teach you how you can leverage JavaScript to create full stack web-apps using Node.js. Node.js allows you to write code that runs both on the client and server. This allows you to reuse more code and deliver applications faster. From this book you will learn how to write maintainable server-side JavaScript using Node.js, how to test your code and deploy it on the internet. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Setting up for Node.js Development Chapter 2: Understanding Node.js Chapter 3: Core Node.js Chapter 4: Node.js Packages Chapter 5: Events and Streams Chapter 6: Getting Started with HTTP Chapter 7: Introducing Express Chapter 8: Persisting Data Chapter 9: Front-End Basics Chapter 10: Simplifying Callbacks Chapter 11: Debugging Chapter 12: Testing Chapter 13: Deployment and Scalability
2021-12-29 22:34:00 6.94MB node nodejs javascript
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2021-12-29 09:04:37 74KB node js
Movies4j - 电影推荐引擎 Movies4j 是一个使用图数据库的示例应用程序,特别是 Neo4j。 它面向想要了解图数据库及其用例的好处的初学者。 它展示了 Neo4j 和 Cypher 查询语言的简单性。 如果您有兴趣,请在上了解更多关于它们的。 该应用程序允许用户评价他们喜欢的电影并添加其他用户作为他们的朋友。 根据这些信息,用户将收到他们可能喜欢的其他电影和朋友喜欢的电影的推荐。 建筑学 基于Web前端 基于带有和REST-API 服务器 Neo4j 数据库 安装 从下载 Neo4j 社区版() 将db/graph.db.zip的内容解压到neo-install-dir/data/graph.db 启动 Neo4j ./bin/neo4j start 在浏览器中打开 ,使用 neo4j/neo4j 登录并将密码更改为neo5j (您可以随意使用不同的密码,但随后您需
2021-12-28 23:33:23 14.65MB JavaScript
本文介绍了webpack打包node.js后端项目的方法,分享给大家,具体如下: 安装依赖 复制代码 代码如下: npm install –save-dev webpack babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-0 webpack配置 webpack.config.js 'use strict'; const webpack = require('webpack'); let externals = _externals(); module.exports = { entry: { app: './app.
2021-12-27 16:26:17 22KB c js node
2021-12-25 21:08:19 1.32MB Node.js开发-实时通信