2021-02-21 11:32:35 25.66MB optical flow
一个babel插件,用于从Flow类型声明中生成React PropTypes定义。 例子 使用此输入: var React = require ( 'react' ) ; export type Qux = { baz : 'literal' } ; import type SomeExternalType from './types' ; type FooProps = { an_optional_string ?: string , a_number : number , a_boolean : boolean , a_generic_object : Object , array_of_strings : Array , instance_of_Bar : Bar , anything : any , mixed : mixe
2021-02-19 21:08:00 385KB JavaScript
功率流Power flow solution in distribution networks in radial system
2021-02-14 09:04:00 4KB 功率流
Research on Time Synchronization and Flow Aggregation in LDDoS Attack Based on Cross-correlation
2021-02-09 14:06:12 800KB 研究论文
TAPS: Software Defined Task-level Deadline-aware Flow scheduling in Data Centers
2021-02-09 09:07:07 1.12MB 研究论文
We propose a method for simultaneous 3D temperature and velocity measurement of a micro-flow field. The 3D temperature field is characterized with two-color laser-induced fluorescence particles which are tracked with micro-digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry. A diffraction-based model
2021-02-07 20:05:20 804KB
High dynamic range (HDR) imaging has seen a lot of progress in recent years, while an efficient way to capture and generate HDR video is still in need. In this paper, we present a method to generate HDR video from frame sequence of alternating exposures in a fast and concise fashion. It takes advant
vue 瀑布流组件
2021-02-06 17:08:55 11KB vue
Foodium::pot_of_food:Foodium是食物博客Android示例应用程序:mobile_phone:旨在演示现代Android开发工具的使用-(Kotlin,协程,Flow,Dagger 2Hilt,建筑组件,MVVM,Room,Retrofit,Moshi,Material Components)
2021-02-01 11:16:12 1.94MB android kotlin room flow
中文| 爆发框架 :rocket:通用后台管理框架 零前端代码,几行Java注解,搞定后台管理系统 | |||| QQ交流群: :rocket:简介| 介绍 Erupt是一个低代码全栈类框架,它使用Java注解动态生成页面以及增,删,改,查,权限控制等后台功能。 零前端代码,零CURD,自动建表,仅需一个类文件+简洁的注解配置,快速开发企业级Admin管理后台。 提供企业级中后台管理系统的全栈解决方案,大幅压缩研发周期,专注核心业务。 完美取代代码生成器,开发后台管理系统更优解! :rainbow:特性| 产品特点 易于上手:会简单的Spring Boot基础知识即可 使用简单:仅需了解@Erupt与@EruptField两个注解即可上手开发 代码简洁:前端零代码,扩展模板,控制器,服务,dao都不需要,仅需一个类文件即可 敏捷开发:仅单个.java文件即可实现后台管理功能,专注于业务与核心功能的研发 快速迭代:需求变更仅需修改或添加注解配置即可,并进行速度比需求讨论速度还快 功能强大:动态条件处理,支持增删改查等功能代理接口,会话存储机制选择,行为日志记录等 自动建表:依
2021-01-31 14:12:23 17.78MB java flow angular admin