Lin Shu的经典的Error control Coding 英文扫描版,一个压缩包包含所有文件,共52M大小
2020-01-03 11:34:22 52.61MB Error control Coding Lin
2020-01-03 11:16:33 3.31MB 编码 matlab
2019-12-21 22:25:32 781KB CRYPTOGRPHY
自适应霍夫曼编码的C++版本简单实现 class AdaptiveTree { public: AdaptiveTree(int rootNum); AdaptiveTree(int rootNum, string str); void swap(int first, int second); // swap two nodes of the tree void initalCode(); // initializing the data string char2code(unsigned char letter); // locate the character in the tree with its corresponding binary string and return the string string char2binary(unsigned char letter); // translating the character to the 8-bit binary string unsigned char binary2char(string bin); // translating the binary string: bin to the corresponding character int spawn(unsigned char letter); // add a new character to the original tree void updateTree(unsigned char newchar); // update the tree int highestInBlock(int count); // return the highest node to be exchanged void setString(string str); // string decodingStr() const; void encoding(); string decoding(); unsigned char code2char(string bincode); static int size(); string binStr() const; // return the binary string of string: tempString private: void run(); int findchar(unsigned char letter ); // locate the letter in the tree string tempString; //temp string to be encoded needed to be stored here string deStr;// used for storing the decoding string string bin; // used for storing the result of encoding process /* Adaptive Tree data members */ HuffmanTree *tree; int root; /* Adaptive Tree constants */ static int ALPH_SIZE; // size of the alphabet static unsigned char none; // not a unsigned character static unsigned char NYT; // Not Yet transmitted code };
2019-12-21 22:14:32 3KB adaptive Huffman Coding 自适应
2019-12-21 21:46:28 6.87MB PAM4 communicatio DSP
史上最全的整合第三方登录的工具,目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软和今日头条等第三方平台的授权登录。 Login, so easy!JustAuth,如你所见,它仅仅是一个第三方授权登录的工具类库,它可以让我们脱离繁琐的第三方登录SDK,让登录变得So easy!项目开源地址:gitee | github特点废话不多说,就俩字:全:已集成十多家第三方平台(国内外常用的基本都已包含),后续依然还有扩展计划!简:API就是奔着最简单去设计的(见后面快速开始),尽量让您用起来没有障碍感!快速开始引入依赖     me.zhyd.oauth     JustAuth     1.8.0 调用api// 创建授权request AuthRequest authRequest = new AuthGiteeRequest(AuthConfig.builder()         .clientId("clientId")         .clientSecret("clientSecret")         .redirectUri("redirectUri")         .state("state")         .build()); // 生成授权页面 authRequest.authorize(); // 授权登录后会返回code(auth_code(仅限支付宝))、state,1.8.0版本后,可以用AuthCallback类作为回调接口的参数 authRequest.login(callback);注:1.8.0版本后,增加了state参数校验,用于防止CSRF。强烈建议,保证单次流程内state的唯一性,且每个state只可用一次。配套Demo:JustAuth-demo具体的例子可以参考:实现Gitee授权登录实现Github授权登录API列表平台API类 SDKAuthGiteeRequest参考文档AuthGithubRequest参考文档AuthWeiboRequest参考文档AuthDingTalkRequest参考文档AuthBaiduRequest参考文档AuthCodingRequest参考文档AuthTencentCloudRequest参考文档AuthOschinaRequest参考文档AuthAlipayRequest参考文档AuthQqRequest参考文档AuthWeChatRequest参考文档AuthTaobaoRequest参考文档AuthGoogleRequest参考文档AuthFacebookRequest参考文档AuthDouyinRequest参考文档AuthLinkedinRequest参考文档AuthMicrosoftRequest参考文档AuthMiRequest参考文档AuthToutiaoRequest参考文档AuthCsdnRequest无请知悉:经咨询CSDN官方客服得知,CSDN的授权开放平台已经下线。如果以前申请过的应用,可以继续使用,但是不再支持申请新的应用。so, 本项目中的CSDN登录只能针对少部分用户使用了后续开发计划参考:[开发计划] 待扩展的第三方平台另外,期待您和我一起完善这个项目!贡献代码fork本项目到自己的repo把fork过去的项目也就是你仓库中的项目clone到你的本地修改代码commit后push到自己的库发起PR(pull request) 请求等待作者合并致谢在项目立项初期,也对当前开源圈的一些相同类型的项目作过调研,同时本项目也参考过这些项目,再次感谢开源圈内的朋友。YurunOAuthLogin: PHP 第三方登录授权 SDK阿里妈妈MUX倾力打造的矢量图标库-iconfont: 本文档中的图标大部分取自该平台
2019-12-21 21:39:02 159KB 开源项目
C++ Primer Plus 配套源代码 ,cpp格式,直接可以跑起来
2019-12-21 21:24:59 144KB C++ Coding 配套
Distributed source coding is one of the key enablers for efficient cooperative communication. The potential applications range from wireless sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, and surveillance networks, to robust low-complexity video coding, stereo/Multiview video coding, HDTV, hyper-spectral and multispectral imaging, and biometrics. The book is divided into three sections: theory, algorithms, and applications. Part one covers the background of information theory with an emphasis on DSC; part two discusses designs of algorithmic solutions for DSC problems, covering the three most important DSC problems: Slepian-Wolf, Wyner-Ziv, and MT source coding; and part three is dedicated to a variety of potential DSC applications. Key features: Clear explanation of distributed source coding theory and algorithms including both lossless and lossy designs. Rich applications of distributed source coding, which covers multimedia communication and data security applications. Self-contained content for beginners from basic information theory to practical code implementation. The book provides fundamental knowledge for engineers and computer scientists to access the topic of distributed source coding. It is also suitable for senior undergraduate and first year graduate students in electrical engineering; computer engineering; signal processing; image/video processing; and information theory and communications. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Part I: Theory of Distributed Source Coding Chapter 2: Lossless Compression of Correlated Sources Chapter 3: Wyner–Ziv Coding Theory Chapter 4: Lossy Distributed Source Coding Part II: Implementation Chapter 5: Slepian–Wolf Code Designs Based on Channel Coding Chapter 6: Distributed Arithmetic Coding Chapter 7: Wyner–Ziv Code Design Part III: Applications Chapter 8: Wyner–Ziv Video Coding Chapter 9: Correlation Estimation in DVC Chapter 10: DSC for Solar Image Compression Chapter 11: Secure Distributed Image Coding Chapter 12: Se
2019-12-21 20:59:16 16.36MB Distributed Source Coding
2019-12-21 20:57:37 4.31MB Coding Traffic_ligh
个人关于turbo码译码过程的详细推导,以及turbo编码过程的简介。 个人关于turbo码译码过程的详细推导,以及turbo编码过程的简介。
2019-12-21 20:44:00 685KB Communicatio Turbo Coding