A method of estimating the relative clocks between two spaceborne global positioning.system (GPS) receivers based on the single-difference (SD) observations is investigated in.this paper. Especially, the advantages of introducing a double-difference (DD) solution.constraint, including the orbits and ambiguities, are discussed with the simulated data.and the real data of Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites. The.theoretical accuracy analysis shows that the accuracy of the re
2021-02-21 19:09:43 512KB 研究论文
Efficient design of Multi-Processor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) requires early, fast and accurate performance estimation techniques. In this paper, we present new techniques based on fine-grained code analysis to estimate accurate performance during simulation of MPSoC Transaction Accurate Models. First, a GCC profiling tool is applied in the native simulation process. Based on the profiling result, an instruction analyzer of the target CPU architecture is proposed to analyze the cycle cost of C code
State estimation for discrete linear systems with observation time-delayed noise
2021-02-20 20:08:48 278KB 研究论文
3D Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation with a Deformable 3D
2021-02-19 20:08:41 8.38MB slam
Accurate estimation of human body orientation can significantly enhance the analysis of human behavior, which is a fundamental task in the field of computer vision. However, existing orientation estimation methods cannot handle the various body poses and appearances. In this paper, we propose an innovative RGB-D-based orientation estimation method to address these challenges. By utilizing the RGB-D information, which can be real time acquired by RGB-D sensors, our method is robust to cluttered e
2021-02-09 18:06:09 896KB DBNS; human body orientation
Adaptive boundary elements and error estimation for elastic problems
2021-02-09 09:06:44 1.59MB 研究论文
Image Denoising by Low-Rank Approximation with Estimation of Noise Energy Distribution in SVD Domain
2021-02-08 10:03:48 2.62MB 研究论文
In this Letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional (3D) color microscopy for microorganisms under photonstarved conditions using photon counting integral imaging and Bayesian estimation with adaptive priori information. In photon counting integral imaging, 3D images can be visualized using maximum
2021-02-07 20:05:12 380KB
Transient emission wavelength estimation for DFB laser with temperature tuning
2021-02-07 16:03:19 719KB 研究论文
,, ,(卡内基梅隆大学,Facebook Reality Labs) CVPR 2020 , 口头演示和人体姿势演示视频( ): 楷模 配置 MPJPE(毫米) 模型和日志 45.3 33.1 30.4 19.0 我们还为这两篇论文提供2D到3D提升网络的实现: ,CVPR 2019 configs/lifting/img_lifting_rot_h36m.yaml (人类3.6M) configs/lifting/img_lifting_rot.yaml (RHD) ,ICCV 2017 configs/lifting/lifting_direct_h36m.yaml (人类3.6M) configs/lifting/lifting_direct.yaml (RHD) 建立 要求 Python 3,pytorch> 1.2+和pytorch <1.4 pip install -r requirements.txt conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch 预先训练的砝码下载 mkdir outs