MTK平台移植camera的步骤,并对每一个步骤中的易错点,容易忽略点做了介绍。有助于初学者对MTK平台的理解! 以MTK6589移植camera为例!
2021-12-15 10:44:10 28KB MTK camera 摄像头 移植
2021-12-15 09:27:57 7KB Camera
Jetson_Camera_Module_Hardware_Design_Guide nvidia Jetson 相机模组硬件开发设计说明
2021-12-14 12:07:22 622KB Jetson_Camera_Mo
matlab棋盘格角点检测代码逐步调整内窥镜照相机 这是用于在MATLAB中使用全光相机的工具箱。 功能包括棋盘角检测和全光(光场)摄像机的逐步校准。 安装和样本数据 请参阅“如何使用.ppt”以获取安装和使用说明。 样本数据 引用 如果您发现我们的代码有用,请引用我们的论文。 @article{ LiuXie, Author = {Liu, Qingsong and Xie, Xiaofang and Zhang, Xuanzhe and Tian, Yu and Li, Jun and Wang, Yan and Xu, Xiaojun}, Title = {Stepwise calibration of plenoptic cameras based on corner features of raw images}, Journal = {Applied Optics}, Volume = {59}, Number = {14}, Pages = {4209-4219}, Year = {2020} }
2021-12-14 05:56:15 208KB 系统开源
2021-12-13 18:07:11 221B camera ros-multitopic
关于dw9718s马达学习笔记: /* uint32_t i2c_addr */ 配置关于i2c通信的地址,三十二位的整形(这样就可以包括byte或者word型) /* enum msm_actuator_data_type i2c_data_type */ i2c通信的数据类型,因为是bytes所以设置成MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA /* enum msm_actuator_addr_type i2c_addr_type */ i2c通信的地址类型,因为是bytes所以设置成MSM_ACTUATOR_BYTE_DATA /* enum msm_actuator_data_type i2c_data_type */ 关于马达的类型,这里是VCM型,所有是设置成ACTUATOR_VCM,另外还有piezo和hvcm类型 /* uint16_t data_size */ ADC数据多少位,这里是10bit,所以设置成10(所以编码大小范围就是1023-0); /* struct msm_actuator_reg_params_t reg_params[MAX_ACTUATOR_REG_TBL_SIZE] */ 这里应该是寄存器的参数设置, 第一个是马达写类型,这里是通过DAC,所以第一个参数是MSM_ACTUATOR_WRITE_DAC 第二个是关于硬件的掩码, 第三个是寄存器的地址, 第四个是硬件移位, 第五个是数据移位, /* uint16_t init_setting_size */ 这个是初始化时候用到多少个寄存器的数量,因为这里只设置0x01和0x05,所以设置为2
2021-12-13 16:44:57 111KB 高通camera 马达
This book draws from three areas of computing: image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics. Image processing and computer vision in particular have long been separate fields with overlapping interests. This is partly a sociolog- ical phenomenon—image processing comes from electrical engineering, while computer vision comes from computer science. These two fields blend smoothly in digital camera design. The modern imaging chain starts at traditional filtering and ends with feature analysis. Parts of this book draw upon my research work with my students at Princeton and Georgia Tech. Cheng-Yao Chen, Santanu Dutta, Jason Fritts, Se Hun Kim, Changhong Lin, Chung-Ching Lin, Tiehan Lv, Jason Schlessman, Senem Velipasalar, Jiang Xu, Heather Yu, and Shengqi Yang have all worked on aspects of multimedia computing and embedded computer vision. I am grateful to them for the opportunity to work with them and learn from them. Burak Ozer was not my official student, but he has been my friend and collaborator on smart cameras for the past 15 years.
2021-12-12 12:32:58 7.6MB Smart Camera
2021-12-11 22:33:06 5.41MB MTK CAMERA 调试 无法预览
camera sensor驱动介绍,及如何开发移植,是入门camera 开发的不可多得的入门资料。
2021-12-11 22:31:10 2.05MB camera senso MTK平台
2021-12-11 22:30:37 4.73MB camera driver mtk