2020-01-03 11:42:31 822KB CCM
Halftoning lecture 了解什么事色彩抖动、色彩半色调 国外的讲稿,很详细 有实例和图片
2019-12-21 22:07:28 1.52MB half toning color reproduction
美化CodeBlocks的主题,配置文件中含有 15个codeblocks17.12的主题
2019-12-21 22:05:23 64B codeblocks17 color_themes 更改主题背景
Each chapter of the handbook is largely self-contained and can be read in isolation, provided the reader is generally familiar with the area. Crossreferences among the chapters capture the important interrelationships in the information presented in the individual chapters. Chapter 1 also includes a broad overview of digital color imaging systems with references to, and connections between, the material in the other chapters, which may not be directly apparent. This is intended to facilitate the understanding of digital color imaging from a systems perspective, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s open, interconnected world. Additional material related to the book will be made available on the publisher’s web site www.crcpress.com. In particular, due to concerns of increased cost and the limitations of color accuracy in the printing process, a number of images that were originally in color have been included only as black-and-white figures in the book; full-color electronic versions of these figures are available online.
2019-12-21 22:05:22 13.88MB Digital Color Imaging
2019-12-21 21:59:25 13.01MB 图像处理
解决了vs2013在win下安装 color theme editor 未能安装此扩展的错误的问题
2019-12-21 21:53:20 386KB vs2013 color theme editor
DaVinci-Resolve-15-Color-Correction《DaVinci Resolve 15 调色指南》(官方教程) BlackMagic-DaVinci-Resolve-15(官方教程调色指南) 共计5部的官方资源教材
2019-12-21 21:52:03 14.52MB 达芬奇 调色 剪辑 教程
TeXstudio主题、字体颜色、样式等。在网上搜了很久都没有类似的主题,在外文网上找到的,整理好分享给大家。 里面一共有七个主题:有黑色和浅色的,有点适用于中文,有的适用于英文,个人感觉这几个主题可以满足我所有需要了,可以模拟在vs中打代码的感觉。 希望大家喜欢!
2019-12-21 21:45:21 51KB TeXstudio color theme
CPN (Color Petri Net) 即有色的Petri网,它在20世纪60年代首先由著名数学家Carl Adam Petri提出,适合于描述异步的、并发的计算机系统模型。 Petri网既有严格的数学表述方式,也有直观的图形表达方式,既有丰富的系统描述手段和系统行为分析技术,又为计算机科学提供坚实的概念基础。
2019-12-21 21:43:08 15KB cpn
Apple Color Emoji.ttf苹果emojj字体包
2019-12-21 21:35:56 34.28MB apple emojj 字体