The MRSim (Multi-Robot Simulator) is an extension of the Autonomous mobile robotics toolbox SIMROBOT (SIMulated ROBOTs) created for MatLab 5 in 2001. MRSim allows the user to simulate the behavior of multiple mobile robots in virtual environments. When compared to its predecessor SIMROBOT, MRSim presents two key contributions: 1) It is fitted to the new MatLab versions - Previously, users were unable to work with SIMROBOT functions since most of them were incompatible with the new MatLab versions. MatLab significantly evolved over the last 10 years, making SIMROBOT obsolete. In this extension, all features of SIMROBOT were updated and improved based on the new MatLab functions; 2)It is also fitted to suit multi-robot applications - although SIMROBOT was endowed with various interesting features for mobile robotics, it presented several limitations for multi-robot applications. Therefore, MRSim was created primarily to allow users to develop multi-robot applications, which would benefit working with some specific requirements such as multi-hop communication. Moreover, most of the functionalities in MRSim have an integrated help (which can be accessed just by typing help function) that allows to easily understand the dynamics of how to create and run simulations. In sum, just like SIMROBOT, each robot in MRSim can be equipped with several virtual sensors and can be driven by its own control algorithm. The toolbox includes two independent applications. The first one is the EDITOR (simedit), which allows the user to create and modify the virtual environment,to edit the control algorithms of robots, to load and save simulation, and others. The second application, SIMULATOR (simview), can be run directly from the EDITOR or separately from MatLab Command Window and serves as a simulation viewer. A MatLab help file is being currently created and will be add in the future.
2021-11-09 22:02:02 2.18MB 多机器人 仿真 协同控制 算法
本书主要论述了移动机器人导航系统和路径跟踪控制算法的设计方法。首先,基于常用的 移动机器人导航系统的原理、所选用的民用单频GPS接收机数据的特点和航迹推算导航系统 数据的特点,提出了三种GPS和航迹推算导航综合导航系统信息融合算法。这些算法利用 GPS与航迹推算导航系统具有互补的特性,在解算负担小的基础上,能够很好地融合民用单频 GPS接收机和航迹推算系统的导航信息,为室外移动机器人提供长期稳定、准确的导航信息。 其次,介绍了移动机器人路径规划应用的蚁群算法。针对传统蚁群算法容易陷入早熟、收敛速 度慢和生成路径转折多等问题,提出了相应的改进措施。改进后的蚁群算法在提高搜索速度的 基础上,扩大了搜索范围,并且能够提供转折较少的路径。最后,基于模型算法控制方法和神经 网络的模型算法控制方法为移动机器人设计了路径跟踪控制算法
2021-11-09 15:02:34 22.88MB 导航 移动机器人
2021-11-09 11:25:36 1.21MB 工程技术 论文
使用PX4:registered:自动驾驶仪的UAV工具箱支持包,您可以从MATLAB:registered:和Simulink:registered:访问自动驾驶仪外围设备。 借助EmbeddedCoder:registered:,您还可以自动生成C ++代码并使用PX4工具链来构建和部署专门为Pixhawk:registered:和Pixracer飞行管理单元(FMU)量身定制的算法,同时结合机载传感器数据和其他PX4特定服务。 PX4是Lorenz Meier的商标。
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C语言用于dsp运动控制PID算法 改程序经过验证 好用的
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要想更好的了解TCP端到端拥塞控制机制,首先要学习端到端拥塞控制的4个基本也是最主要的算法:slow_start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit, fast recovery。
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