由(σ,ω,π)量子hadrodynamics(QHD)的有效模型生成的自洽手性Dirac-Hartree-Fock(CDHF)近似被扩展为包括Lorentz标量自洽顶点校正。 标量顶点校正使用QHD和Bethe-Salpeter方程的自洽性构造,并且所得的顶点校正在图解上等效于称为Hedin-Dirac-Hartree-Fock(HDHF)的自洽Hedin逼近。 (σ,ω,π)量子动力学的有效模型将热力学一致性和密度泛函理论(DFT)的要求保持在良好的近似值。 HDFT近似适用于核物质和中子星的性质。
2024-03-02 08:05:32 1.09MB 热力学一致性 密度泛函理论
在光盘JLINK相关资料中,找到JLINK驱动安装文件,双击安装文件Setup_JLinkARM_V434.exe进行安装。 点击Yes,进入下面页面 点击next 安装路径选择默认即可,也可以自己更改路径。这里选择默认值,点Next 这里的第二项勾选,在桌面创建快捷方式,点击Next 点击NEXT,自动进行驱动安装 安装进程完成后出现如下界面 点击Select All,点击OK. 点Finish,驱动安装完毕。 1、 程序下载 驱动安装完成后,桌面会出现两个快捷方式图标 1) 双击J-Flash ARM V4.34下载软件,打开如下界面 2) 工具栏中选择options-project settings,进行工程设置。 3) 按照如下图所示,设置各项 General选项卡: Target Interface选项卡: CPU选项卡: 其中,器件型号选择NXP LPC2103。 时钟速度clock speed 选择Auto detection 。也可以根据实际情况填写下面的时钟速度。 Fla
2024-03-01 21:04:45 1.06MB JLINK 软件开发
日本松干蚧生物学特性的新观察,刘卫敏,谢映平,日本松干蚧Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana)是我国松林最重要的一种外来入侵生物和毁林性害虫。按照日本松干蚧在我国的分布,选择辽宁省抚�
2024-03-01 16:13:39 1.81MB 首发论文
2024-03-01 15:39:13 123KB vb 算法 徐士良 配书盘
2024-02-29 23:33:15 335KB 模拟量0~20mA
2024-02-29 20:46:24 277KB
ASP 系统设计 实现。源码+lw。毕设+课设
2024-02-29 18:57:04 2.8MB java 源码
ASP 系统设计 实现。源码+lw。毕设+课设
2024-02-29 18:53:45 1.15MB java 源码
There are eight directories, representing the eight chapters of the C# Primer text, in which Visual Studio.NET projects are stored. These have all been compiled under a post-Release Candidate, but before the final product release. So, conceivably, these projects may not compiler when you attempt to build them. If that is so, first check my home page for updates (www.objectwrite.com). If your problem is not covered, please mail me at slippman@microsoft.com. I don’t have a good organization for the ASP.NET projects. You may have to open your own, then copy in the form and code behind files. I’ll try to clean that up when I have time. The project listing under each chapter for this release looks as follows: Chapter 1: ArrayListHashtable Arrays BasicTypes FibonacciTries gcFinalize Strings SystemIO Chapter 2: Class Design Enum MatrixVector ParamPassing Stack WordCount Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming LibraryMaterial QueryManager Chapter 4: Interfaces binaryTree bitvector Fibonacci Chapter 5: System Framework Environment ExploreRegEx FileIO pathIO RegularExpression socketsClient socketsServer threads XmlDocument XmlDom XmlMisc XmlParse XmlSchema XPath Xslt Chapter 6: Windows.Forms Buttons DataGrid DialogMenu FileDialog HelloWindows HelloWindowsForms ListBox PictureBox Pictures XMLDataGrid Chapter 7: ASP.NET (incomplete) Figure 7_4 Figure 7_5 Figure 7_6 Chapter 8: The Common Language Runtime Assemblies Attributes collectionBinary ildasm reflection serialize tester timer Pictures Textfiles Xmlfiles
2024-02-29 14:08:18 3.2MB