The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Second Edition by Steven W. Smith California Technical Publishing San Diego, California **纯PDF版、非扫描版、非影印版** Contents at a Glance FOUNDATIONS Chapter 1. The Breadth and Depth of DSP Chapter 2. Statistics, Probability and Noise Chapter 3. ADC and DAC Chapter 4. DSP Software FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 5. Linear Systems Chapter 6. Convolution Chapter 7. Properties of Convolution Chapter 8. The Discrete Fourier Transform Chapter 9. Applications of the DFT Chapter 10. Fourier Transform Properties Chapter 11. Fourier Transform Pairs Chapter 12. The Fast Fourier Transform Chapter 13. Continuous Signal Processing DIGITAL FILTERS Chapter 14. Introduction to Digital Filters Chapter 15. Moving Average Filters Chapter 16. Windowed-Sinc Filters Chapter 17. Custom Filters Chapter 18. FFT Convolution Chapter 19. Recursive Filters Chapter 20. Chebyshev Filters Chapter 21. Filter Comparison APPLICATIONS Chapter 22. Audio Processing Chapter 23. Image Formation and Display Chapter 24. Linear Image Processing Chapter 25. Special Imaging Techniques Chapter 26. Neural Networks (and more!) Chapter 27. Data Compression Chapter 28. Digital Signal Processors Chapter 29. Getting Started with DSPs COMPLEX TECHNIQUES Chapter 30. Complex Numbers Chapter 31. The Complex Fourier Transform Chapter 32. The Laplace Transform Chapter 33. The z-Transform Glossary Index
2019-12-21 22:22:22 12.18MB digital signal processing
真正的大牛人Oppenheim奥本海姆编写的《Discrete Time Signal Processing》(离散时间信号处理)的第三版的英文版和中文版。英文版第三版为2010年,中文版(原书第三版 精编版)为2017年的。
2019-12-21 22:11:27 142.66MB Signal Processin 信号处理 离散时间信号处理
2019-12-21 22:03:00 17.5MB fundamentals
Fundamentals of statistical signal processing: estimation theory的英文版,但是影印版,总共595页,清晰度还可以,希望能对需要的人有帮组
2019-12-21 22:01:56 18.54MB statistical signal processing estimation
《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume I & II》中文版
2019-12-21 22:01:21 22.45MB 统计 估计 基础
understanding digital signal processing 这是一本广受好评的数字信号处理图书,作者R. Lyons同时还是IEEE信号处理杂志的副主编,负责信号处理技巧专栏。这本书不仅写得通俗易懂,而且与通用的教材结合非常紧密,堪称是学院派与实用性完美结合的典范。实际上,这本书也重新定义了教材著作的范式,成为优秀教科书的代表。与上面那本smith的书相比,数学公式稍多一些,但不难理解。例子也非常丰富,还提供了很多的信号处理技巧。这本书的英文版在2010年已经出了第三版。中文版好像只有第二版,译者是朱光明。不过中文版现在好像到处无货,估计第三版的中文版也会很快上市。从淘宝网购得,保证不后悔!
2019-12-21 21:59:36 10.19MB 数字信号处理 DSP
Multirate signal processing techniques are widely used in many areas of modern engineering such as communications, digital audio, measurements, image and signal processing, speech processing, and multimedia. Multirate Filtering for Digital Signal Processing: MATLAB Applications covers basic and advanced approaches in the design and implementation of multirate filtering. This authoritative volume considers the role of filters in multirate systems, provides efficient solutions of finite and infinite impulse response filters for sampling rate conversion, and discusses examples of multirate multilevel filter banks, offering a must-have book for practitioners and scholars in multirate signal processing.
2019-12-21 21:59:31 6.56MB Multirate Filter Digital Signal
压缩文件中含有两个文件:《Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling》一书的PDF文档和对应的Solution Maunal的PDF文件。欢迎兴趣的朋友下载。
2019-12-21 21:57:49 28.95MB 通信 统计信号处理 数字信号处理
Digital modulation technique are essential to many digital communication systems, whether it is a telephone system, a mobile cellular communication system, or a satellite communication system. This book can be used as a reference book for engineers and researchers.
2019-12-21 21:50:01 13.03MB digital signal Processing
2019-12-21 21:45:41 8.01MB 脑科学