网友要得三个文件io.h signal.h interrupt.h
2021-09-12 09:19:32 6KB io.h signal.h interrupt.h
信号处理必备矩阵工具书 Matrix_Computations_for_Signal_Processing
2021-09-11 16:33:17 2.2MB Matrix_Computations Signal_Processing
2021-09-11 11:58:35 7.77MB 信号完整性
肌电康复设备 这个资料库是关于我的最终项目计划,基于EMG传感器的手瘫患者医疗康复设备的设计和制造 该设备可帮助手部瘫痪的人增强其手部力量,并帮助其康复,使其手部恢复正常健康 残疾人不能自由工作或受到限制,其中之一是由于中风或脊椎受伤而导致手瘫痪。 作为人类经常使用的一种运动手段,手在他们的日常生活中起着重要的作用,因此人类对自己的身体工具的依赖性非常大。 为了能够治愈瘫痪,其中之一是通过制造康复工具来帮助某人使瘫痪的手的状况恢复正常。 一种康复工具,用于刺激手指中的肌肉运动并帮助它们在闭合和张开手时更强壮地运动。 基于肌电图(EMG)传感器的外骨骼形设备可以支撑人的手以及无需外部帮助即可移动的自主康复工具。 外骨骼本身是手套的形式,该手套装有可以支撑手的固体材料制成的操纵器。 工具中使用的系统是一种模式识别系统,能够对打开和关闭手的基本动作以及握力的变化进行分类。 使用的分类是反向传播
2021-09-10 01:25:34 52.01MB emg-data emg-signal MATLAB
2021-09-09 15:41:40 10.5MB 信号处理
This new, fully revised edition covers all the major topics of digital signal processing (DSP) design and analysis in a single, all-inclusive volume, interweaving theory with real-world examples and design trade-offs.
2021-09-09 10:04:08 6.06MB 离散变换 频谱估计 multirate sy
This book is on the basic foundations of digital still cameras, the image sensor and the techniques used in processing the image coming from the sensor. It includes both the theory and the concepts of both the hardware being used and the software that ties everything together to make a useful system. This field is one that is rapidly changing. As a result Dr. Nakamura has gotten a group of people from various companies to write chapters on their own area of expertise. The companies by whom these contributors are employed is a who's who of the digital camera field including: Konica Minolta, Canon, Olympus, Fuji and various specialized companies that work in this area. Dr. Nakamura is employed by Micron, a major semi-conductor company. This is not a book on how to take pictures, this is a book on what happens underneath when you press the button. It is highly technical, designed for engineers.
2021-09-07 23:17:00 11.18MB Image Sensors and Signal
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Estimation Theory Steven M. Kay
2021-09-07 14:46:29 16.49MB Statistical Signal Processing Estimation
通过深度学习进行语音分离和提取 此仓库总结了用于语音分离和说话人提取任务的教程,数据集,论文,代码和工具。诚挚地邀请您提出要求。 目录 讲解 [语音分离,李鸿-,2020年] [端到端神经源分离的进展,伊洛,2020] [音频源分离和语音增强,伊曼纽尔·文森特,2018年] [音频源分离,牧野昌司,2018年] [概述论文] 【概述幻灯片] [手册] 数据集 [数据集介绍] [WSJ0] [WSJ0-2mix] [WSJ0-2mix-extr] [WHAM&WHAMR] [LibriMix] [LibriCSS] [SparseLibriMix] [VCTK-2Mix] [CHIME5和CHIME6挑战赛] [音频 [Microsoft DNS挑战] [AVSpeech] [LRW]
干涉SAR处理书籍: Processing of SAR Data Fundamentals, Signal Processing, Interferometry 作者:Achim Hein 出版社:Springer 文中重点围绕干涉SAR展开,先后讲述了SAR基础,数据处理相关算法,以及干涉成像和处理。 本书是电子版,不是扫描版,非常清晰。
2021-09-05 12:54:24 8.01MB SAR 数据处理基础 干涉 InSAR