2021-08-17 09:04:22 83.21MB art-pi rtthread
2021-08-16 14:53:19 19KB x-art angelica 720 wmv
这本书代表了当前世界在Reinforcement Learning领域的研究前沿
2021-08-12 11:49:42 11.62MB 增强学习
数值计算(c/c++)的好书: Review 'The author's engaging writing style makes this a very enjoyable book. Each topic starts with interesting observational material, then goes to a discussion of the physical concepts, amplified by mathematics, and very good figures, and then ties it up by finishing with more observational applications, either solving the problem posed at the beginning of the chapter or presenting new ones. This is a perfect book for seniors.' - Marc L. Kutner, author of Astronomy: A Physical Perspective 'A lucid introduction to a selection of basic topics in astronomy, explaining the physics behind the astrophysics. Radiative processes are treated with just the right level of rigor that students learn how to carry out useful computations while developing their physical intuition. I have successfully used portions of this book for my first-year graduate class.' - Eugene Chiang, Associate Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley Review of Astronomy Methods, also by Hale Bradt: '... a brilliant addition to the pedagogy. It is timely, focused, well written, and at the appropriate level ... Astronomy Methods will be useful to all students of astronomy and astrophysics, irrespective of whether they intend to specialize in observational astronomy. The material can be adapted easily for various related courses, which makes the book even more valuable.' - Physics Today
2021-08-10 19:48:46 7.57MB Numerical Computing Numerical Methods
在vue中echarts仪表盘实时数据 彩笔一枚,简单记录一下。 业务场景:通过websocket实时推送数据,将数据渲染到仪表盘中。 第一步: 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts仪表盘实例。 第二步: 我是通过父子组件传值把数据接收过来,在data中定义upPressure参数,并将接收来的devicePressure参数赋值给它,便于后面将值传入到echarts中 父组件中 子组件中
2021-08-10 11:20:23 56KB ar art c
如下所示: 后台关键代码: data = {} #keys与values分别为该数据的键数组,值的数组。这里循环为字典添加对应键值 for k, v in zip(keys, values): data.update({k: v, },) #最后将数据打包成json格式以字典的方式传送到前端 return render(request, 'index.html', {'data': json.dumps(data)}) 网页(js中)取值关键代码: 1.取值: var kv = new Array();//声明一个新的字典 kv = {{ data|safe }};//取出后台传递的数
2021-08-08 11:57:44 45KB ar art c
360c1 art
2021-08-06 13:01:47 64KB art
怎么讲照片生成卡通头像?现在有很多软件都可以实现将照片生成卡通头像,使用也非常简单,但是每款软件生成的卡通头像都不一样,各有各自的特色,今天给大家推荐的此款软件虽然也是照片生成卡通头像,但是却和其他的不一样。Cartoon Art Cartoonizer是一款在Windows的卡通艺术软件,使用惊人的彩色卡通效果将您的图片转换为卡通风格!一个用户友好且有趣的应用程序,可以帮助您轻松地将图形文件转换为令人惊叹的卡通版本。Cartoon Art 软件具有与 Prima Cartoonizer 不同的卡通风格,它包括具有惊人色彩风格的改进卡通滤镜。
2021-08-06 13:01:31 101.42MB 卡通头像
2021-08-03 09:20:36 9.6MB 数值分析 C/C++
2021-08-02 16:51:14 132KB 物联网 电路设计方案 STM32 电路方案