Unity Asset - Amplify Shader Editor 1.7.0最新版 需要自行下载,网上教程比较少适合有ase基础的人 和ue4的蓝图很相似,功能强大 稳定!!!需要自己下载哈!
2021-10-28 14:56:28 65.61MB Unity 插件 ASE U3d
2021-10-27 17:01:08 1.04MB Unity插件
Unity3D UGUI 专用文字特效插件 Text Effects 1.15 UI Text Effects are a set of effects for the standard Unity UI (uGUI) Text. - All script and shader sources included! - Extremely easy to use - just choose the effect from the component menu, and it's applied. - Add fancy titles, custom text appearance, mix multiple effects. - Rich Text support. - Mobile platform support. 12 extremely valuable effects: - Better Outline: a more continuous outline than the standard one. - Gradient Color: global/local, vertical/horizontal, override/additive/multiply. - Depth Effect: add thickness to text. - Soft Shadow: blurry shadow. - Outer Bevel: add outer lit and shaded edges. - Skew Effect: add horizontal+vertical transformations and perspective. - Curve Effect: bend or distort text vertically. - Character Spacing: increase or decrease the distance between individual characters. - Limit Visible Characters: hide characters, make a typewriter. - Overlay Texture: add an image overlay, local/global, override/additive/multiply. - Inner Bevel: add lit and shaded edges inside the characters, override/additive/multiply (only "override" on SM2 level GPUs). - Inner Outline: add outline inside the characters, override/additive/multiply. - With this package, you can finally echo effects from Photoshop or Word, while still using the standard Unity UI Text. - Suggestions for new effects are very welcome. The newly made effects will be added to the package. 仅供学习交流使用,如有侵权请告知删除。
2021-10-26 15:17:34 1.26MB unity3d
Obi Rope6.2超强的绳索插件
2021-10-26 15:08:10 11.41MB unity unity插件 unity绳索
ARToolKit for Unity的插件包,版本为5.2.2,并附有安装的详细说明。
2021-10-25 15:04:27 35.02MB ARToolKit
:framed_picture: :camera: 团结原生共享 :camera: :framed_picture: Unity-Native-Sharing是一个可在iOS和Android上打开本机共享对话框的插件。 :mobile_phone: 社会的 :mobile_phone: :oncoming_fist: 支持 :oncoming_fist: 所有这些项目都是在我的业余时间进行的,随着时间的推移,还会增加更多的项目。 如果您想支持我,可以通过或通过PayPal捐款来实现。 :memo: 变更日志 :memo: 观看此存储库以了解新版本! :handshake: 贡献 :handshake: 对于贡献,请阅读 不用担心100%正确,我可以在整理时整理一下 :desktop_computer: 系统要求 :desktop_computer: Unity 2018.3.14f1或更高版本。 较旧的版本可能会起作用,请随时进行测试! :thinking_face: 例子 :thinking_face: 可以在找到 :hammer_and_wre
2021-10-23 14:56:53 205KB android ios unity unity-plugin
A * Pro插件最新版,A * Pathfinding Project Pro是一个功能强大且易于使用的Unity寻路系统。测试过了,不是免费版本,有局部回避(RVO)等加强功能
2021-10-22 20:07:59 5.93MB AI Unity 插件 游戏开发
unity天空天气体积云水光系统Weather Maker - Unity Weather System, Sky, Water, Volumetric Clouds and Light 5.2.2 所支持的Unity版本:2017.4.22 及以上版本 Weather Maker - AAA Weather, Water, Volumetric Clouds/Light/Fog, Sky and Audio Solution for 3D and 2D! Mobile and VR ready! No other asset matches the performance, price a
2021-10-19 22:22:13 5.06MB ProBuilder 2.9.8f3 建模工具 unity插件
2021-10-14 18:06:20 198KB PlayerPrefs Unity 插件