模块1:描述和了解云服务及其优势 模块2:介绍核心Azure服务 模块3:Azure的安全、隐私、合规和信任 模块4:Azure的定价和支持
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[1993 TC]Interpolation in Digital Modems—Part I: Fundamentals
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本人在学习GPS相关的内容时,发现好多资源价格不菲,对于小白来说,实在看不起。 通过其他网络资源,整理了不少GPS相关内容资料,有概述方面的内容,有具体的细节内容。 各位小伙伴可以根据具体情况选择。 1、gps-原理-应用课件 2、GPS原理与应用(Understanding GPS Principles and Applications第一版的中文版) 3、Understanding GPS Principles and Applications, Second Edition 4、Understanding GPS/GNSS:Principles and Applications 第三版 2017 5、GPS原理与接收机设计 谢钢 著 7、GPS接收机原理二GPS接收机的捕获灵敏度极限、 8、GPS接收机射频前端电路原理与设计 9、Weak Signal Digital GNSS Tracking Algorithms 10、Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers II 11、Composite GNSS Signal Acquisition over Multiple Code Periods 12、GPS接收机电路设计 13、GPS系统扩展-概述
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Electric Motors and Drives Fundamentals, Types and Applications Fifth Edition Austin Hughes Bill Drury Abstract Non-specialist readers wishing to learn the essence of how and why motors work will find answers in this chapter. We discuss how to quantify magnetic effects, explain how force and torque are generated, and show that the elegant energy-converting process can be predicted using a simple equivalent circuit. The key factors that underpin the operation of all types of motor emerge, and we conclude by identifying the simple design parameters that determine the relationship between rotor volume and torque.
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