ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers, Second Edition brings the popular first edition up to date with fresh insights and tips on COM-based ADOand adds a voluminous section on the new ADO.NET technology. Written specifically for COM-based ADO developers retooling for ADO.NET, this is a developer's book, packed with practical advice on how to make code run faster, yet be easier to write and understand.
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For Complete Beginners to Android! If you’re completely new to Android or developing in Kotlin, this is the book for you. Android Apprentice takes you all the way from building your first app, to submitting your app for sale. By the end of this book, you’ll be experienced enough to turn your vague ideas into real apps that you can release on the Google Play Store. You’ll build 4 complete apps from scratch — each app is a little more complicated than the previous one. Together, these apps will teach you how to work with the most common controls and APIs used by Android developers around the world. And these aren’t simple apps, either; you’ll build everything from a simple game, to a checklist app, a map-based app, and a podcast manager and player! We’ve also included some bonus sections on handling the Android fragmentation problem, how to keep your app up-to-date, preparing your app for release, testing your app, and publishing it for the world to enjoy! If you’re new to Android programming, you need a guide that: Shows you how to write an app step-by-step With tons of illustrations and screenshots to make everything clear In a fun and easygoing manner! We’ve written this book in Kotlin: the new, modern, first-class language for Android developers. You’ll be at the leading edge of Android developers everywhere as you learn how to develop in the fluid and expressive Kotlin language. The Android Apprentice is your best companion for learning Android development. With all project source code included with the book, and support forums right on our site, it’s simply the best way to start your Android development career.
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