Contents Foreword ...................................................................................... 15 Preface .......................................................................................... 17 Introduction ................................................................................. 19 PART I Basic Principles 1 Overview of SAP HANA ................................................ 29 1.1 Software Components of SAP HANA .............................. 29 1.1.1 SAP HANA Database ......................................... 31 1.1.2 SAP HANA Studio ............................................. 31 1.1.3 SAP HANA Client .............................................. 33 1.1.4 SAP HANA Function Libraries ........................... 34 1.1.5 Software for Data Replication ............................ 34 1.1.6 Software for Direct Data Access ........................ 35 1.1.7 Lifecycle Management Components .................. 36 1.2 Basic Principles of In-Memory Technology ..................... 37 1.2.1 Hardware Innovations ....................................... 37 1.2.2 Software Innovations ......................................... 41 1.3 Architecture of the In-Memory Database ....................... 51 1.4 Application Cases for SAP HANA ................................... 53 1.5 How SAP HANA Affects Application Development ........ 56 1.5.1 New Technical Options ..................................... 56 1.5.2 Code Pushdown ................................................ 57 1.5.3 Database as Whitebox ....................................... 59 1.5.4 Required Qualifications for Developers ............. 61 2 Introducing the Development Environment ................. 63 2.1 Overview of Eclipse ....................................................... 63 2.2 SAP’s Eclipse Strategy .................................................... 66 2.2.1 Unbundling of Eclipse and SAP Software ........... 67 2.2.2 Central Update Site ........................................... 67
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