2019-12-21 22:07:44 5.25MB 系统辨识
Delphi 获取鼠标按键状态源码,运行本程序后,操作鼠标左右键和中轮,程序将监控到这些鼠标键被按下的状态,并将信息显示在窗口的标题栏中,本程序同时也实现了动态改变窗口标题文字的功能,各个鼠标按键状态获取及提示信息如下:   procedure TForm1.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk);   begin    Self.Caption := '鼠标左键双击';   end;   procedure TForm1.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown);   begin    Self.Caption := '鼠标左键按下';   end;   procedure TForm1.WMMButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMMButtonDblClk);   begin    Self.Caption := '鼠标中键双击';   end;   procedure TForm1.WMMButtonDown(var Message: TWMMButtonDown);   begin    Self.Caption := '鼠标中键按下';   end;   procedure TForm1.WMRButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMRButtonDblClk);   begin    Self.Caption := '鼠标右键双击';   end;   procedure TForm1.WMRButtonDown(var Message: TWMRButtonDown);   begin    Self.Caption := '鼠标右键按下';   end;
2019-12-21 21:41:04 6KB Delphi源码-系统相关
Java哲学家就餐问题代码演示,基于多线程图形版的Java哲学家就餐问题演示,涉及到线程同步与互斥,临界区访问问题以及避免死锁的方法。   关于什么是哲学家就餐问题,请参考百度吧。
2019-12-21 21:40:35 106KB Java源码-系统相关
信息管理 mis C:\Documents and Settings\bai\桌面\文献综述.doc
2019-12-21 20:22:41 43KB 文献
摘要:VB源码,系统相关,文件管理器   文件管理器,VB源代码实现,附源码下载,是学习VB的一个简单参考范例。
C++编写一个小程序用于控制Windows 系统的桌面切换,功能在于控制两个系统桌面切换,同样是C++BUILDER 源码,使用C++BUILDER编程的新手,这是一个不错的范例参考。
2019-12-21 19:48:22 407KB VC/C++源码 系统相关 桌面切换
VCLZip Native Delphi Zip/UnZip Component! (VCLZip Lite: Version 2.23 April 14th, 2002) (VCLZip Pro: Version 3.03 October 4th, 2003)IMPORTANT: If installing the registered version, please be sure to always re-install/rebuild the components (VCLZip and VCLUnZip) to the component pallette (or rebuild the design time package) so that the ThisVersion property and any other new properties will be properly updated. If your application still does not run without the IDE, open up VCLZip‘s package, click on options and look at the Directories/Conditionals tab. If KPDEMO is defined, remove it and recompile the package.***IMPORTANT: Please remember do not install these components into a package by the name of either VCLZip or VCLUnZip. You will receive an error if you do.PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE "WHAT‘s NEW IN THIS VERSION" LINK IN THE HELP FILE AS IT HAS CONVENIENT LINKS TO ALL OF THE NEW TOPICS.============Version 3.02 (VCLZip Pro)- Please test your application thoroughly with this new version of VCLZip Pro. While it has been tested and has even been used in at least two production applications for several months now prior to initial release, there are so many combinations of property settings, environment differences, and ways to use VCLZip that you should always test VCLZip completely in your application before deploying.*** New Zip64 capabilities, properties, methods and events:- Uncompressed, Compressed, and Archive file sizes can be up to 2^63-1 bytes in length. - You can compress up to 2147483647 files into an archive. This is compatible with PKZip‘s Zip64 format. - If a file does not extend beyond any of the original limitations (filesizes of 4 gig or 65535 files) then no Zip64 format information is included in the archive.- property isZip64 - tells you when you are working with a zip file that is using Zip64 format.Much faster processing due to linking to Zlib object files for compression and decompression routines.Blocked Zip Files (spanned zip archives sp
2019-12-21 19:33:37 2.73MB 控件 源码 系统相关 资源
2019-12-21 19:33:36 10KB 控件 源码 系统相关类 资源
2019-12-21 18:56:47 1.33MB ttms
本智能家居系统相关资源描述: 客户端为,利用QT开发的界面 服务端为,开发版(测试时在虚拟机ubuntu上) 1、用户可以根据用户名和密码登录此系统,进入控制界面控制家中空调、窗帘、热水器、花洒等智能设备的开关,并能通过视频查看家中情景。 2、摄像头进行图片采集、温湿度传感器进行温度采集并将信息传输到客户端并实现实时显示。
2019-12-21 18:51:37 1.17MB 智能家居