2023-03-25 16:50:13 43KB C# 图形绘制
共三册。本册: 第1章 数据库应用程序 涵盖数据库内容 第2章 图形图像处理应用编程 涵盖OpenGL MFC等内容
2023-03-25 14:12:14 38.45MB Windows 系统编程 VC++ 图形及数据库
潘华伟老师计算机图形课程同学们有福 包含PPT,实验文档 以及实验安装文件easyX
2023-03-25 11:54:47 16.48MB 湖南大学 计算机图形学
主要介绍了Qt图形图像开发之Qt曲线图美化QChart QScatterSeries 空心点阵图,鼠标移动到上面显示数值,鼠标移开数值消失效果实例,需要的朋友可以参考下
2023-03-24 10:33:40 1.14MB vtk、三维可视化
VC 填充图像区域的例子,是针对 平面几何图形填充区域的方法进行示例演示,本示例中将画第一个矩形框,然后填充第一个矩形框,画第二个矩形框,然后填充第二个矩形框,第一个图形和第二个图形有区别,部分区域是重叠的,源码中的方法演示了如何填充这些区域,详细请下载源码参见注释。
2023-03-23 09:24:53 11KB VC 源码-界面窗体
VC 实现指定区域的图像填充技术,将规定区域填充成其它颜色,与图像处理紧密相关,有需要的编译一下。
2023-03-23 09:21:34 20KB VC 源码-图形处理
Illustrator自动拼版脚本插件分享给大家,这个小巧的自动拼版脚本能够大大简化你的工作内容,它适用于相同形状的ai文档阵列方式拼版,在拼版的同时可以自动绘制角线、裁切线、套版十字,对于相同形状的对象拼版要比人工快的多(也仅仅只支持相同形状对象的拼版),需要的朋友欢迎下载使用! 脚本特性说明 复制总数量包含选取的群组目标 支持默认及参数记忆 支持不透明蒙版的位移 支持蒙版及未转曲文本
2023-03-22 16:44:03 12KB 图形图像
摘要:VC/C++源码,图形处理,MFC,放大镜  纯MFC做的放大镜小例子,VC6,VS2010可以编译运行,支持自定义,支持当前鼠标位置放大,和当前放大窗口位置放大,圆形窗口,双缓冲绘图,有悬浮透明提示窗口,改变了传统的放大镜的实现,完全是自己的创意,希望大家喜欢,抗锯齿可以使用GDI+技术或PNG图解决,已测试。   按ESC或双击放大镜可退出程序。
This book is an introduction to computer graphics with an emphasis on applica- tions programming. The first edition, which was published in 1997, was somewhat revolutionary in using OpenGL and a top-down approach. Over the succeeding 16 years and 6 editions, this approach has been adopted by most introductory classes in computer graphics and by virtually all the competing textbooks. The sixth edition reflected the recent major changes in graphics software due to major changes in graphics hardware. In particular, the sixth edition was fully shaderbased, enabling readers to create applications that could fully exploit the capabilities of modern GPUs. We noted that these changes are also part of OpenGL ES 2.0, which is being used to develop applications for embedded systems and handheld devices, such as cell phones and tablets, and of WebGL, its JavaScript implementation. At the time, we did not anticipate the extraordinary interest in WebGL that began as soon as web browsers became available that support WebGL through HTML5. As we continued to write our books, teach our SIGGRAPH courses, and pursue other graphics-related activities, we became aware of the growing excitement about WebGL. WebGL applications were running everywhere, including on some of the latest smart phones, and even though WebGL lacks some of the advanced features of the latest versions of OpenGL, the ability to integrate it with HTML5 opened up a wealth of new application areas. As an added benefit, we found it much better suited than desktop OpenGL for teaching computer graphics. Consequently, we decided to do a seventh edition that uses WebGL exclusively. We believe that this edition is every bit as revolutionary as any of the previous editions.
2023-03-22 07:00:51 10.57MB WebGL