内含路径编辑, 路线移动等功能, 简单实用, 包含大量例子场景
2020-01-03 11:35:44 647KB Unity Unity3D U3D 路径
Unity Asset Store 购买的震动插件,内有多种震动模式,兼容Android和IOS
2020-01-03 11:22:16 1.11MB Unity 震动 插件
Mega-Fiers_2.44.unitypackage Scrubbing time value on Point Cache modifier will now update mesh if animate is turned off. Added option to morph inspector to show mapping data so in case of failures it can help show what the issue is. Tolerance value added to inspector, for some very large meshes with morphs you may need to increase this value. Fixed error in the Blender exporter if your morph had no animations. Fixed Max 2013 and 2014 morph exporters, were crashing on progressive morph targets. Fixed missing names on progressive morph targets on Max 2013 and 14 exporters. Fixed missing first target percent value in progressive morphs when using Max 2013 and 14 exporters. Maya exporter updated so only selected blendshape is exported instead of all blendshapes.
2020-01-03 11:17:34 28.73MB Unity变形插 MegaFier2.44
MegaFiers 是一个Unity3d专用的物体变形与动画解决方案,仅供大家下载学习使用。
2020-01-03 11:16:00 31.35MB Unity Mega-Fiers
unity水插件大全,一共7个:Obi_fluid,Screen Space Fluids Pro 0.3,uFlex 0.55,DCG Water Shaders v1.7,Flow Machine,Fluvio Pro 3.0.0b11,RoadPathTool+v1.1
2019-12-21 21:21:14 98.03MB unity插件
2019-12-21 21:20:29 11.2MB unity vs2012插件
Unity Engine中纹理修改的完整解决方案,使用GPU加速插件可为编辑器和运行时提供超快的纹理调整。 支持的调整: •色调/饱和度/亮度 •亮度/对比度 •色阶 •模糊高斯/方向/颗粒 •边缘填充 •噪声 •像素化 •锐化 •色彩空间 •灰度 •阈值 •LUT •颜色叠加 •颜色替换 •水印 •渐变斜坡 •通道导入/交换/反转 •图像翻转/耕作/偏移/旋转 •按Alpha,颜色和自定义矩形裁剪 •渐变生成器(线性,径向,菱形,角度)
2019-12-21 21:14:58 25.46MB unity 调色插件
大小:567.9M iOS & support Win &Mac Standalone support(if Unity4,Pro only) Support forpreview in the Editor(if Unity4,Pro only) Work withUnity Free & Pro SystemRequirements Build WinStandalone & Preview Editor : Windows7 or later Build MacStandalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.8 or later
2019-12-21 21:01:45 48B OpenCV Unity
unity Kinect 2.13package是目前可用的最新资源包,本人正在使用的完整资源包
2019-12-21 20:50:28 67B unity kinect 插件
2019-12-21 20:47:12 48.84MB 插件