PowerDesigner16.5 64位的破解文件,由于上传空间限制,请自行网上搜索 PowerDesigner165 Evaluation的64位版本,并自行安装下载。
2022-05-22 09:38:30 422KB Power Designer 破解
计算机软件-商业源码-108 截获Power键.zip
2022-05-21 19:04:14 187KB 源码软件
Matlab 求解偏微分的代码最大化风力涡轮机功率系数的高级控制 (MATLAB/Simulink) 请阅读以下论文以获取更多理论解释: 编程平台: MATLAB/Simulink 文件包括: 演示幻灯片 MATLAB 代码 描述: 如果风力发电机在最佳叶尖速比和最佳桨距角,即最佳功率系数下运行,则可以使部分负荷运行的风力涡轮机的转换效率最大化。 为此,风力涡轮机转子必须跟踪最佳参考速度。 在这项工作中,通过状态相关的 Riccati 方程 (SDRE) 应用非线性闭环有限范围最优跟踪来跟踪基于永磁同步发电机的风能转换系统的最优参考转子速度。 该技术的关键思想是使用近似解析方法将状态相关微分 Riccati 方程 (SD-DRE) 转换为线性微分 Lyapunov 方程,该方程可以在给定时间段的每个时间步以封闭形式求解。 此外,在每个时间步长与 SD-DRE 同时求解状态相关向量微分方程以执行最优跟踪问题。
2022-05-20 22:40:59 712KB 系统开源
ATX Version 3.0 Multi Rail Desktop Platform Power Supply Design Guide
2022-05-19 17:29:55 2.13MB ATX3.0标准
This third edition of Signal and Power Integrity—Simplified has one significant new addition over the previous edition: questions and problems at the end of each chapter to test and reinforce your understanding.
2022-05-18 22:05:55 32.68MB Signal Integrity
1.0 INTRODUCTION Perhaps one of the more important application areas of digital signal processing (DSP) is the power spectral estimation of periodic and random signals. Speech recognition problems use spectrum analysis as a preliminary measurement to perform speech bandwidth reduction and further acoustic processing. Sonar systems use sophisticated spectrum analysis to locate submarines and surface vessels. Spectral measurements in radar are used to obtain target location and velocity information. The vast variety of measurements spectrum analysis encompasses is perhaps limitless and it will thus be the intent of this article to provide a brief and fundamental introduction to the concepts of power spectral estimation.
2022-05-18 21:33:10 397KB Power Spectra Estimation
基于正交频分复用的无源光网络(OFDM-PON)系统的安全性最近已成为一个重要问题。 本文提出了一种基于多混沌的时频域加密技术,用于物理层安全和选择映射(SLM),以降低峰均功率比(PAPR),并在OFDM-PON系统中进行了实验验证。 所提出的方案基于Lozi和Logistic映射,并且可以生成混沌序列以在时域和频域中加扰子载波,从而增强物理层的安全性。 同时,可以将SLM方法应用于该方案中,以提高系统的PAPR性能。 在实验中,已在100 km标准单模光纤上安全地传输了8.9 Gb / s加密的OFDM信号。 结果表明,该方法可以有效提高物理层的安全性,同时提高系统的误码率性能。
2022-05-18 20:58:25 992KB Peak to average power
2022-05-18 20:43:29 7.6MB lowpower IC
2022-05-18 07:06:54 125KB DC power MOS Driver Bootstrap
This SPMI Specification defines the operating states, the command set, the physical interface, and the protocol data communication between SPMI devices on a SPMI bus to insure the compatibility of command and data transfers. The SPMI Command Sequence set includes Slave and Master addressing, control of the Slave operating state, register read from and register write to Master and Slave devices, as well as commands supporting the use of MIPI Device Descriptor Block data read and bus management.
2022-05-16 11:36:34 920KB SPMI V2.0 SPEC 接口