《DirectX 9 User Interfaces Design and Implementation》一书第5章代码的本人修改版。使用方法参考压缩文件夹内的ReadMe.txt文件。
2022-02-12 16:35:47 219KB DirectX 游戏编程 UI设计 用户界面
HP 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 Series Spectrum Analyzers User Guide 频谱仪 系列 用户手册 参数手册
2022-02-12 12:09:52 3.39MB HP 8590 8591 8592
包含Xilinx Zynq7000系列所有相关的UG文件,UG470/UG472/UG473/UG476/UG479/UG480/UG482/UG585 /UG586/UG821/UG865/UG908/UG933/UG1019/UG1099
2022-02-10 21:46:30 49.99MB Xilinx Zynq7000 User Guide
考虑多级车辆,公共交通和停车场的多模式动态交通分配的一般公式 由马威和Xidong Pi(AlanPi1992)实施,在卡内基梅隆大学土木和环境工程专业的肖恩钱的建议下进行。 要求 cvxopt 1.1.9 numpy的1.14.2 MNMAPI:MNMAPI是MAC在CMU中开发的流量模拟库,请参阅和 MNM_mcnb:MNMAPI的文件夹接口,请参考 指示 请克隆整个存储库,然后使用jupyter notebook运行Runner.ipynb。 实验 要在exp_config.py中检查实验的详细信息,请参阅该论文。 档案规格 src / exp_config.py:论文中的实验设置 src / gp.py:渐变投影方法 src / models.py:多模式DUE的实现 src / runner.ipynb:运行MMDUE的脚本 img / .:本文中使用的想象 data /
前言 最近在工作中遇到一个问题,在创建数据库后连接数据库的时候居然报错了,错误代码是Access denied for user ‘root’@’%’ to database ‘xxx’,通过查找相关的资料终于解决了这个问题,所以想着总结下来分享给有需要的朋友们参考学习,下面来一起看看吧。 解决过程 1、创建数据库 create database mytest; 2.连接数据库,报以下错: Access denied for user 'root'@'%' to database 'mytest' 原因:创建完数据库后,需要进行授权,在本地访问一般不会存在这个问题。 3.授权数据库操作
2022-02-09 16:53:37 43KB ab AS base
2022-02-07 14:03:17 1.64MB 教育
2022-01-31 14:46:03 5.45MB 刷机平台
2022-01-24 17:37:36 420KB webview 添加参数 请求头 user-agent
Overview With User Mode Linux you can create virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer and use them to safely test and debug applications, network services, and even kernels. You can try out new distributions, experiment with buggy software, and even test security. Now, for the first time, the creator and maintainer of User Mode Linux shows how to put it to work hands-on. Jeff Dike covers everything from getting started through running enterprise-class User Mode Linux servers. You'll find authoritative advice on bootup, compilation, administration, specialized configurations, and much more. Coverage includes  What User Mode Linux is, how it works, and its uses in Linux networks  Key applications, including server consolidation, development, and disaster recovery  Booting and exploration: logins, consoles, swap space, partitioned disks, and more  Copy-On-Write (COW): UML's efficient approach to storing filesystem changes  In-depth discussion of User Mode Linux networking and security  Centrally managing User Mode Linux instances, and controlling their hardware resources  Implementing clusters and other specialized configurations  Setting up User Mode Linux servers, step-by-step: small-scale and large-scale examples  The future of virtualization and User Mode Linux Whether you're a netadmin, sysadmin, teacher, student, or programmer, User Mode Linux®--the technology and this book--is indispensable
2022-01-23 23:49:23 1.17MB uml linux kernel Dike
USMT(User State Migration Tool,用户状态移转工具)是微软Windows 的一种安装工具,用处是协助用户在升级时,把原来电脑的设定转移到新的电脑上。适用于: Windows(R) 7 Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Windows Server(R) 2008 带有 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 的 Windows Vista(R)
2022-01-19 19:33:56 9MB User State Migration Tool