2021-08-23 13:12:28 3.36MB 微信小程序工具类demo
2021-08-23 09:39:04 44.48MB Codejock
2021-08-21 13:01:36 686KB 互联网
unity3d tk2d 2DToolkit 1.92 最终正式版
2021-08-18 14:59:54 2.12MB unity3d tk2d 2DToolkit 1.92
LabVIEW 2009 Database Connectivity Toolkit
2021-08-18 11:24:44 33.57MB database
SkinFeature完全支持各种常用控件及窗口 。对话框,单文档界面,多文档界面的全部支持。完全支持PNG、TGA、bmp 图像格式。支持皮肤(.rss)文件加密。保护美工图像不被别人非法使用,进一步保护自身知识产权。支持从msstyle wba 等主题文件中自动转化为rss皮肤文件。SkinFeature完全支持 VC,Delphi,C#,VB.Net,Visual Basic,C++ Bulider, PowerBuilder, Win32 SDK Supported WTL, ATL, 第三方厂商SDK, OUTLOOK 等等界面换肤。 支持各Windows平台 Windows 9X/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista 完全支持ANSI UNICODE 文字编码格式。完全支持动态换肤(*.rss),支持不规则窗体,支持美工设计自定义界面生成方案。完全多线程,自定义窗口类换肤支持。内含15种专业皮肤(.rss)文件。内含SkinDesigner 皮肤文件开发工具。
2021-08-17 14:16:57 9.67MB .NET 皮肤 c#皮肤 winforms皮肤
3D Infinite Runner Toolkit v1.2 跑酷完整项目;游戏源码,代码仅供参考,请勿商业使用,如有侵权,请及时告知,
2021-08-16 14:24:44 24.32MB unity  unity3d
TDS-TK is a C# coding framework for the easy construction of TopDownShooter games of any kind. It comes with a bundle of scripts that are flexible and configurable to fit a variety of TopDownShooter gameplay scenarios. The toolkit is designed to be used with custom models and art assets. You can easily integrate your own art assets to make your unique game. Everything in the demo is included in the package.
2021-08-16 14:11:00 121B
Sensor Toolkit is a collection of 2D and 3D sensor components that can be placed on your game objects and easily integrated with your scripts or PlayMaker actions. It's a convenient abstraction on top of Unity's basic sensing functionality, such as ray casts or trigger colliders, but with many advantages. It's lightweight, has advanced features and is applicable to a broad range of problems. Who is this for: Everyone! Non-programmers will love Sensor Toolkit because it lets them create sensing behavior visually and without coding. Programmers will love Sensor Toolkit because it reduces boilerplate and has advanced features and debugging views. You will develop game behavior quickly and you will keep your scripts lean and neat. Sensor Toolkit makes no assumptions about your game and can be easily integrated into an existing project. Features: • Ray casting sensors, trigger collider sensors and spherical sensors. • A tool for building parametric field of view cones. • Steering sensors and steering behavior for characters and spaceships. • Detect individual colliders or rigid bodies composed of multiple colliders. • Many filtering options for fine tuning what sensors can detect. • Advanced line of sight implementation that can calculate partial visibility. • Easy integration with C# scripts and PlayMaker actions. • No garbage generated. • Lots of examples to follow.
2021-08-15 01:58:58 121B unity unity3d
2021-08-11 17:30:58 1.56MB RK1808 芯片 人工智能