ISO 14230-1:1999 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 1:Physical layer,ISO 14230-2:1999 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 2:Data link layer,ISO 14230-3:1999 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 3:Application layer,ISO 14230-4:2000 Road vehicles-Diagnostic systems-Keyword Protocol 2000-Part 4:Requirements for emission-related systems
2022-02-21 14:49:20 3.28MB 14230 ISO14230
HTML <-> Figma Figma插件可将HTML从URL转换为Figma,或通过将Figma设计转换为代码 它是如何工作的 在Figma中,打开一个新的或现有的文档,然后单击cmd + /并搜索“ html figma”,然后按Enter 输入您要导入的URL 为什么? 轻松导入真实的现场样式,作为设计和原型的起点 快速将实际站点组件转换为设计组件 易于从故事书等导入 Chrome扩展程序 想要捕获身份验证墙后面的页面,还是要导航到的特定状态? 程序适合您! 使用图书馆 // npm install @builder .io/html-to-figma import { htmlToFigma } from "" ; const layers = htmlToFigma ( document . body ) ; // E.g. send these to the REST API, or generate a .figma.json file that can be uploaded through the Figma
2022-02-21 09:25:25 556KB react chrome-extension html design-systems
Signals, Systems & Inference Alan V. Oppenheim & George C. Verghese
2022-02-21 09:13:27 1.84MB 讲义 答案 信号 系统
feedback control of dynamic systems第6版;非影印版,文档中文字可复制!
2022-02-20 19:53:33 29.85MB 书籍
by Bernstein, Hadzilacos, and Goodman, Addison-Wesley
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使用C++算法和统计软件构建、测试和调整金融、保险或其他市场交易系统。你已经有了一个想法,做了一些初步的实验,看起来很有希望。你从这里去哪里?好吧,这本书讨论并剖析了这个案例研究方法。 似乎良好的后验性能不足以证明交易真实货币的合理性。您需要对系统的有效性进行严格的统计测试。然后,如果基本的测试确认了你的想法的质量,你就需要调整你的系统,不仅是为了获得最佳的性能,还为了面对不可避免的市场变化时的稳健行为。接下来,您需要量化它的预期未来行为,评估它的实际性能可能有多差,以及您是否能够接受它。最后,你需要找到它的理论性能限制,这样你就知道它的实际交易是否符合这个理论预期,如果它不符合预期,你就可以将系统丢弃。这本书不包含任何可靠的火,有保证的财富交易系统。这些都是一毛不拔的……但是如果你有一个交易系统,这本书将为你提供一套工具,帮助你评估你的系统的潜在价值,调整它以提高盈利能力,并监控它的持续性能,以在它发生灾难性失败之前检测出恶化。任何认真的市场交易者都会很好地采用本书中描述的方法。
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UL 969 2018 Marking and Labeling Systems
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Fundamentals of Database Systems 6th edition 数据库基础 第六版 Elmasri Navathe
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Analytical Dynamics of Discrete Systems. providing seniors and beginning graduate students in engineering and the natural sciences with an advanced textbook in dynamics, examines the development of classical particle mechanics from Newton to Lagrange. Every concept is clearly defmed before it is used, every significant result is stated mathematically as well as verbally, and the domain of applicability of each is explicitly stated. Most of the chapters contain a large number of carefully worked out examples, as well as a set of suggested exercises
2022-02-16 21:16:25 8.19MB ROBOT
Chapter 1. Motors - Stuart Ball Chapter 2. Testing - Arnold S. Berger Chapter 3. System-Level Design - Keith E. Curtis Chapter 4. Some Example Sensor, Actuator and Control Applications and Circuits (Hard Tasks) - Lewin ARW Edwards Chapter 5. Installing and Using a Version Control System - Chris Keydel and Olaf Meding Chapter 6. Embedded State Machine Implementation - Martin Gomez Chapter 7. Firmware Musings - Jack Ganssle Chapter 8. Hardware Musings - Jack Ganssle Chapter 9. Closed Loop Controls, Rabbits, and Hounds - John M. Holland Chapter 10. Application Examples David J. Katz and Rick Gentile Chapter 11. Analog I/Os - Jean LaBrosse Chapter 12. Optimizing DSP Software - Robert Oshana Chapter 13. Embedded Processors - Peter Wilson
2022-02-15 22:21:59 21.73MB Embedded system