Radar Signals: An Introduction to Theory and Application introduces the reader to the basic theory and application of radar signals that are designated as large time-bandwidth or pulse-compression waveforms. Topics covered include matched filtering and pulse compression; optimum predetection processing; the radar ambiguity function; and the linear frequency modulation waveform and matched filter. Parameter estimation and discrete coded waveforms are also discussed, along with the effects of distortion on matched-filter signals. This book is comprised of 14 chapters and begins with an overview of the concepts and techniques of pulse compression matched filtering, with emphasis on coding source and decoding device. The discussion then turns to the derivation of the matched-filter properties in order to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio; analysis of radar ambiguity function using the principle of stationary phase; parameter estimation and the method of maximum likelihood; and measurement accuracies of matched-filter radar signals. Waveform design criteria for multiple and dense target environments are also considered. The final chapter describes a number of techniques for designing microwave dispersive delays. This monograph will be a useful resource for graduate students and practicing engineers in the field of radar system engineering.
2020-01-03 11:43:28 68.31MB Radar Signal
matlab simulation for radar systems design 非扫描版的 做仿真的离不开matlab 做雷达系统仿真的一样离不开matlab 这本书,可以看 因为它是专门为雷达系统仿真定制的。
2020-01-03 11:34:57 13.93MB Matlab simulation radar system
经典的《Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using Matlab》。 第10章。 讲解详实,图文并茂,深入浅出,有理有据。 配合MATLAB源代码。
2020-01-03 11:27:15 363KB Radar Matlab
[原创] true pdf==Millimeter-Wave Circuits for 5G and Radar _Cambridge2019
2020-01-03 11:19:38 35.87MB true pdf Wave Circuits
2020-01-03 11:18:21 15KB c++ radar satellite SPCC
Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: A System Simulation Approach demonstrates the use of image simulation for SAR. It covers the various applications of SAR (including feature extraction, target classification, and change detection), provides a complete understanding of SAR principles, and illustrates the complete chain of a SAR operation. The book places special emphasis on a ground-based SAR, but also explains space and air-borne systems. It contains chapters on signal speckle, radar-signal models, sensor-trajectory models, SAR-image focusing, platform-motion compensation, and microwave-scattering from random media. While discussing SAR image focusing and motion compensation, it presents processing algorithms and applications that feature extraction, target classification, and change detection. It also provides samples of simulation on various scenarios, and includes simulation flowcharts and results that are detailed throughout the book.
2019-12-21 22:24:09 32.05MB Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
2019-12-21 22:22:05 14.68MB Waveform Design Radar
Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing" simply and methodically presents principles and techniques of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image generation by analyzing its system transfer function. The text considers the full array of operation modes from strip to scan, emphasizes processing techniques, enabling the design of operational SAR codes. A simple example then follows. This book will be invaluable to all SAR scientists and engineers working in the field. It may be used as the basis for a course on SAR image generation or as a reference book on remote sensing. It contains a wide spectrum of information presented with clarity and rigor.
2019-12-21 22:19:51 33.12MB 雷达 图像处理
Radar Systems Analysis and Design using MATLAB, 英文版第三版,这个是2013年出版的,目前最新的一个版本,压缩包里是书的PDF与程序
2019-12-21 22:11:43 7.04MB radar Matlab
Introduction To Airborne Radar (1998)(2Nd Ed)(En)(592S)
2019-12-21 22:11:00 14.09MB Airborne Radar