这是一本扫描版。以下是英文介绍。 Publication Date: August 14, 1995 | ISBN-10: 0201848406 | ISBN-13: 978-0201848403 | Edition: 2 The best-selling book on computer graphics is now available in this C-language version. All code has been converted into C, and changes through the ninth printing of the second edition have been incorporated. The book's many outstanding features continue to ensure its position as the standard computer graphics text and reference. By uniquely combining current concepts and practical applications in computer graphics, four well-known authors provide here the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date coverage of the field. The important algorithms in 2D and 3D graphics are detailed for easy implementation, including a close look at the more subtle special cases. There is also a thorough presentation of the mathematical principles of geometric transformations and viewing. In this book, the authors explore multiple perspectives on computer graphics: the user's, the application programmer's, the package implementor's, and the hardware designer's. For example, the issues of user-centered design are expertly addressed in three chapters on interaction techniques, dialogue design, and user interface software. Hardware concerns are examined in a chapter, contributed by Steven Molnar and Henry Fuchs, on advanced architectures for real-time, high performance graphics. The comprehensive topic coverage includes: *Programming with SRGP, a simple but powerful raster graphics package that combines features of Apple's QuickDraw and the MIT X Window System graphics library. *Hierarchical, geometric modeling using SPHIGS, a simplified dialect of the 3D graphics standard PHIGS. *Raster graphics hardware and software, including both basic and advanced algorithms for scan converting and clipping lines, polygons, conics, spline curves, and text. *Image synthesis, including visible-surface determination, illumination and shading models, image manipulation, and antialiasing. *Techniques for photorealistic rendering, including ray tracing and radiosity methods. *Surface modeling with parametric polynomials, including NURBS, and solid-modeling representations such as B-reps, CSG, and octrees. *Advanced modeling techniques such as fractals, grammar-based models, particle systems. *Concepts of computer animation and descriptions of state-of-the-art animation systems. Over 100 full-color plates and over 700 figures illustrate the techniques presented in the book. 0201848406B04062001
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When events dictated that I would pursue a career in computer programming— rather than electrical engineering—I had no need for complex numbers, until Mandlebrot’s work on fractals emerged. But that was a temporary phase, and I never needed to employ complex numbers in any of my computer graphics software. However in 1986, when I joined the flight simulation industry, I came across an internal report on quaternions, which were being used to control the rotational orientation of a simulated aircraft.
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生成压缩 TensorFlow实现,用于使用生成对抗网络来学习图像压缩。 该方法由Agustsson等开发。 等基于。 提出的想法非常有趣,并且对它们的方法进行了详细描述。 用法 代码取决于 # Clone $ git clone https://github.com/Justin-Tan/generative-compression.git $ cd generative-compression # To train, check command line arguments $ python3 train.py -h # Run $ python3 train.py -opt momen
The fifth edition of Computer Organization and Design―winner of a 2014 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty) from The Text and Academic Authors Association―moves forward into the post-PC era with new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud. This generational change is emphasized and explored with updated content featuring tablet computers, cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures.
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非常难得的一本电子书 对人机交互中的眼动跟踪技术尽情详细深入的探讨 机会难得 不要犹豫了!
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Richard Szeliski著《计算机视觉:算法与应用》英文原版pdf全文。不建议英文不好的同学下载。
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Computer Launcher手机界面变成电脑Windows风格
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CodeSLAM CodeSLAM的PyTorch实现。 概括 它试图解决/解决的问题 真实3D感知系统中的几何图形表示。 可能带有语义标签的密集表示是高维的,不适合概率推断。 稀疏表示,可以避免这些问题,但仅捕获部分场景信息。 新方法/解决方案 新的紧凑但密集的场景几何表示,以来自单个图像的强度数据为条件,并由包含少量参数的代码生成。 每个关键帧都可以生成一个深度图,但是可以与姿势变量和重叠关键帧的代码一起对代码进行优化,以实现全局一致性。 介绍 由于不确定性的传播对于很大的自由度很快变得难以处理,因此SLAM的方法分为两类: 稀疏SLAM,通过稀疏特征集表示几何 密集SLAM,它尝试检索环境的更完整描述。 自然场景的几何表现出高度的有序性,因此我们可能不需要大量的参数来表示它。 除此之外,还可以将场景分解为一组语义对象(例如椅子)以及一些内部参数(例如椅子的大小,没有腿)
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