Many textbooks today treat the basic topics in analog and digital communication systems, including coding and decoding algorithms and modulation and demodulation techniques. Most of these textbooks focus, by necessity, on the theory that underlies the design and performance analysis of the various building blocks, such as coders, decoders, modulators, and demodulators, that constitute the basic elements of a communications system. Relatively few of the textbooks, especially those written for undergraduates, include applications that motivate students. SCOPE OF THE BOOK The objective of this book is to serve as a companion or supplement to any of the comprehensive textbooks in communication systems. The book provides a variety of exercises that may be solved on a computer (generally, a personal computer is sufficient) using the popular student edition of MATLAB. We intend the book to be used primarily by senior-level undergraduate students and graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science. This book will also prove useful to practicing engineers who wish to learn specific MATLAB applications for communication systems. We assume that the reader is familiar with the fundamentals of MATLAB. We do not cover those topics because several tutorial books and manuals on MATLAB are available. By design, the treatment of the communications theory topics is brief. We provide the motivation and a short introduction to each topic, establish the necessary notation, and then illustrate the basic notions through an example. The primary text and the instructor are expected to provide the required depth for the topics treated. For example, we introduce the matched filter and the correlator and assert that these devices result in the optimum demodulation of signals corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), but we do not provide a proof of this assertion. Such a proof generally is given in most core textbooks on communication systems.
2020-01-03 11:32:26 56.84MB 现代通信 matlab程序 英文版pdf
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2019-12-21 22:14:13 128.15MB 最优阵列处理 波束形成 阵列信号处理
原则英文版,总页数为586页,是完整的, 此版本是我付费在别的网站上下载的
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You will continue to receive exclusive offers in your inboxPRINCIPLESRAY DALIOsiMon SCHUSTERNEW YORK LONDON TORONTO SYDNEY NEW DELHIPART IW豆 EREIM COMIING FRON1 My Call to Adventure: 1949-19672 Crossing the Threshold: 1967-19793 My Abyss: 1979-19824 My Road of Trials: 1983-19945 The Ultimate Boon: 1995-20106 Returning the Boon: 2011-20157 My Last Year and My Greatest Challenge: 2016-20178 Looking Back from a Higher LevelPART IILIFE PRINCIPLES1 Embrace Reality and Deal with It2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life3 Be Radically Open-Minded4 Understand That People Are Wired Very Differently5 Learn How to Make Decisions EffectivelyLife Principles: Putting It All TogetherSummary and Table of life PrinciplesPART IIIWORK PRINCIPLESSummary and Table of Work PrinciplesTO GET THE CULTURE RIGHT1 Trust in Radical Truth and Radical Transparency2 Cultivate Meaningful Work and Meaningful Relationships3 Create a Culture in Which It Is Okay to Make Mistakes and Unacceptable Not to Learnoem4 Get and Stay in Sync5 Believability Weight Your Decision Making6 Recognize How to Get Beyond DisagreementsTO GET THE PEOPLE RIGHT7 Remember That the WHO Is More Important than the What8 Hire Right, Because the Penalties for Hiring Wrong Are Huge9 Constantly Train, Test, Evaluate, and Sort PeopleTO BUILD AND EVOLVE YOUR MACHINE10 Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a goal11 Perceive and Don't Tolerate problems12 Diagnose Problems to Get at Their root causes13 Design Improvements to Your Machine to Get Around Your Problems14 Do What You Set Out to do15 USe Tools and Protocols to Shape How Work Is Done16 And for Heaven's Sake Dont Overlook GovernanceWork Principles: Putting It All TogetherACKNOWLEDGMENTSABOUT THE AUTHORCONCLUSIONAPPENDIX. TOOLS AND PROTOCOLS FOR BRIDGEWATERS IDEAMERITOCRACYBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEXTo Barbara. the half me who has made me whole for morethan forty yearsINTRODUCTIONBefore i begin telling you what I think, I want to establish that I'm a"dumbshit ' who doesnt know much relative to what i need to know Whateversuccess I've had in life has had more to do with my knowing how to deal withmy not knowing than anything I know. The most important thing I learned isan approach to life based on principles that helps me find out what's true andwhat to do about itI'm passing along these principles because i am now at the stage in my lifewhich I want to help others be successful rather than to be more successfulmyself. Because these principles have helped me and others so much, I want toshare them with you. It's up to you to decide how valuable they really are andwhat, if anything you want to do with themPrinciples are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behaviorthat gets you what you want out of life. They can be applied again and again insimilar situations to help you achieve your goalsEvery day, each of us is faced with a blizzard of situations we must respondto. Without principles we would be forced to react to all the things life throwsat us individually, as if we were experiencing each of them for the first time.Ifinstead we classify these situations into types and have good principles fordealing with them we will make better de cisions more quickly and have betterlives as a result. Having a good set of principles is like having a good collectionof recipes for success. All successful people operate byrinciplesthat help thembe successful, though what they choose to be successful at varies enormouslyso their principles varTo be principled means to consistently operate with principles that can beclearly explained. Unfortunately, most people cant do that. And it's very rarefor people to write their principles down and share them That is a shame. Iwould love to know what principles guided Albert Einstein, Steve JobsWinston Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, and others so I could clearlyunderstand what they were going after and how they achieved it and couldcompare their different approaches. I'd like to know which principles are mostimportant to the politicians who want me to vote for them and to all the otherpeople whose decisions affect me. Do we have common principles that bind ustogether-as a famly, as a community, as a nation, as friends across nations? O1do we have opposing principles that divide us? what are they? lets be specificThis is a time when it is especially important for us to be clear about ourprinciplesMy hope is that reading this book will prompt you and others to discoveryour own principles from wherever you think is best and ideally write theedown. Doing that will allow you and others to be clear about what yourprinciples are and understand each other better. It will allow you to retine themas you encounter more experiences and to reflect on them, which will helpyou make better decisions and be better understoodHAVING YOUR OWN PRINCIPLESWe come by our principles in different ways. Sometimes we gain themthrough our own experiences and reflections. Sometimes we accept them fromothers, like our parents, or we adopt holistic packages of principles, such asthose of religions and legal frameworksBecause we each have our own goals and our own natures, each of us mustchoose our own principles to match them. While it isnt necessarily a bad thingto use others' principles, adopting principles without giving them muchthought can expose you to the risk of acting in ways inconsistent with yourgoals and your nature. At the same time, you, like me, probably dont knoweverything you need to know and would be wise to embrace that fact. If youcan think for yourself while being open-minded in a clearheaded way to findout what is best for you to do, and if you can summon up the courage to do ityou will make the most of your life. If you can t do that, you should reflect onwhy that is, because that 's most likely your greatest impediment to gettingmore of what you want out of lifeThat brings me to my first principleThink for yourself to decide 1, what you want, 2 ywhat is true, and 3, what you should do toachieve #1 in light of #2and do that with humility and open-mindedness so that you consider the best thinkingavailable to you. Being clear on your principles is important because they willaffect all aspects of your life, many times a day. For example, when you enterinto relationships with others, your principles and their principles willdetermine how you interact. People who have shared values and principles getlong. People who dont will suffer through constant misunderstandings andconflicts. Think about the people you are closest to: Are their values alignedwith yours? Do you even know what their values or principles are? Too oftenin relationships, people's principles arent clear. This is especially problematic inorganizations where people need to have shared principles to be successfulBeing crystal clear about my principles is why I labored so much over everysentence in this bookThe principles you choose can be anything you want them to be as long asthey are authentic--i. e, as long as they reflect your true character and values
2019-12-21 22:13:26 6.58MB 工作 生活
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Lawrence R. Rabiner,Ronald W. S 著, 刘加,张卫强,何亮,路程 等 译 数字语音处理理论与应用 [Theory and Applications Digital Speech Processing]配套代码和英文版PDF 中文版请支持正版,在各大网站购买书籍。
2019-12-21 21:26:34 25.91MB 语音信号处理 MATLAB代码
1 这本书是2014年底出版的,基于最新的 python3.4 版本。 配书源码链接 目录 Chapter 1: Introduction to Client-Server Networking Chapter 2: UDP Chapter 3: TCP Chapter 4: Socket Names and DNS Chapter 5: Network Data and Network Errors Chapter 6: TLS/SSL Chapter 7: Server Architecture Chapter 8: Caches and Message Queues Chapter 9: HTTP Clients Chapter 10: HTTP Servers Chapter 11: The World Wide Web Chapter 12: Building and Parsing E-Mail Chapter 13: SMTP Chapter 14: POP Chapter 15: IMAP Chapter 16: Telnet and SSH Chapter 17: FTP Chapter 18: RPC Instead, this book focuses on network programming, using Python 3 for every example script and snippet of code at the Python prompt. These examples are intended to build a comprehensive picture of how network clients, network servers, and network tools can best be constructed from the tools provided by the language. Readers can study the transition from Python 2 to Python 3 by comparing the scripts used in each chapter of the second edition of this book with the listings here in the third edition—both of which are available at thanks to the excellent Apress policy of making source code available online. The goal in each of the following chapters is simply to show you how Python 3 can best be used to solve modern network programming problems.
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《Pro Spring MVC With Web Flow 》是《 精通SpringMVC 》的全英文版,对java开发人员来说,读最原始的原汁原味的技术文档,才不会被有些翻译不合理的书籍所误导其本意,对自己本身来说也是一种提高。
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