Mohinder S. Grewal的第三版Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration [ISBN: 978-1118447000]。 An updated guide to GNSS, and INS, and solutions to real-world GNSS/INS problems with Kalman filtering Written by recognized authorities in the field, this third edition of a landmark work provides engineers, computer scientists, and others with a working familiarity of the theory and contemporary applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigational Systems, and Kalman filters. Throughout, the focus is on solving real-world problems, with an emphasis on the effective use of state-of-the-art integration techniques for those systems, especially the application of Kalman filtering. To that end, the authors explore the various subtleties, common failures, and inherent limitations of the theory as it applies to real-world situations, and provide numerous detailed application examples and practice problems, including GNSS-aided INS (tightly and loosely coupled), modeling of gyros and accelerometers, and SBAS and GBAS. Drawing upon their many years of experience with GNSS, INS, and the Kalman filter, the authors present numerous design and implementation techniques not found in other professional references. The Third Edition includes: Updates on the upgrades in existing GNSS and other systems currently under development Expanded coverage of basic principles of antenna design and practical antenna design solutions Expanded coverage of basic principles of receiver design and an update of the foundations for code and carrier acquisition and tracking within a GNSS receiver Expanded coverage of inertial navigation, its history, its technology, and the mathematical models and methods used in its implementation Derivations of dynamic models for the propagation of inertial navigation errors, including the effects of drifting sensor compensation parameters Greatly expanded coverage of GNSS/INS integration, including derivation of a u
2019-12-21 20:01:28 8.77MB GNSS GPS INS 组合导航
将网上收集到的资料加上整理、共享出来是纯粹学习的目的。来个2分意思一下 Global Mapper系列教程 [第一章]对光栅进行指定范围剪裁及羽化 6 [第二章]创建范围环(环交集) 9 [第三章]平铺地形(地形编辑) 13 [第四章]结合地形层 18 [第五章]添加自定义椭球 27 [第六章]用CASS数据创建地形 31 [第七章]挖填方计算 37 [第八章]剪裁图像和地形 41 [第九章]线区矢量范围编辑 44 [第十章]以属性名称说明搜索矢量数据 52 [第十一章]影像较正 60
2019-12-21 20:00:30 12.37MB Globle Mapper GIS
哈夫曼经典之作,学习gps很好的参考书; Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar GPS,[1][2] is a space-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force. It is a global navigation satellite system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.[3]
2019-12-21 19:50:48 5.39MB gps原理
施普林格发布的GNSS手册,官网pdf原版。 本手册全面而严谨地概述了全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)多学科领域的基本原理,方法和应用,提供了详尽的一站式参考工作以及对GNSS的最新描述。科学和社会的关键技术。 所有全球和区域卫星导航系统,包括目前正在运行和正在开发的卫星导航系统(GPS,GLONASS,Galileo,BeiDou,QZSS,IRNSS / NAVIC,SBAS)都将进行详细审查。详细讨论了接收器和天线的功能原理,以及GNSS参数估计的高级算法和模型。本书涵盖了广泛和多样化的陆地,海洋,空中和空间应用,从日常GNSS到高精度科学应用,并提供最广泛使用的GNSS格式标准的详细描述,涵盖接收器格式以及IGS产品和元 - 数据格式。 全球导航卫星系统领域的全面报道分为七个部分,从基础,全球和区域导航卫星系统,接收器和天线,算法和模型的处理,到广泛和多样化的应用范围。定位和导航,测量,大地测量和地球动力学,遥感和定时等领域。 每一章都由国际专家撰写,并用图和照片充分说明,使本书成为科学家,工程师,学生和机构的宝贵资源。
2019-12-21 19:49:41 123.54MB GNSS 北斗 卫星定位导航 GPS
用于 魅族note3 的刷机等操作 所需材料: 命令输入工具(终端模拟器,可在自带的应用商店中搜索下载 一个551k大小的安装包),公开版官方包(官网中下载),脚本文件 手机必须彻底root(自带root开启后下载Kingroot获取完整权限 这个root不用担心因为刷到新版本之后是非root版本) 教程如下: 1.将global.sh文件放置在内置存储卡根目录下 2.手机打开终端模拟器,输su点击回车确定,允许获取root权限,再输入sh /sdcard/ 点击回车确定 (注意sh和/间有空格,不要忘了),成功后会自动重启,大约需要两分钟。 3.按照官方线刷教程刷公开版固件即可
2019-12-21 19:41:52 547B 魅蓝note3 魅族
Computer Science An Overview 12th Global Edition 英文版,国外网站找的
2019-12-21 19:34:06 24.01MB 计算机经典 计算机科学
2019-12-21 19:29:33 1.91MB Global_Mapper 重庆地图
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优化觅食算法(OFA 2016年), 代码包含论文中所述的觅食操作。
2019-12-21 18:53:35 3.99MB 觅食算法