Changelog: ========== 2015-04-23 (5.91) - Fixed: IDEFixPack didn't take into account that DB.TFlatList uses late loading through GetCount - Fixed: fastdcc32/64/aarm in XE7 and XE8 didn't load the CompilerSpeedPack into the compiler's process 2015-04-21 (5.9) - Added: Fix for QC 71270, 76338 and 76379. "CodeInsight doesn't like the underscore." - Added: TStringList.IndexOfName optimization - Fixed: FieldAddress optimization could fail if a published field name was also used in an ancestor 2015-02-15 (5.8) - Added: Compiler cleanup code performance optimization for large packages - Added: If XE7's rlink32.dll is detected in older Delphi versions the "too many resources to handle" patch is skipped - Changed: Installer/Uninstaller doesn't require rtl.bpl/vcl.bpl in the PATH anymore - Improved: IDE Fix Pack StringLists use CompareStringOrdinal instead of CompareString 2014-09-16 (5.71) - Improved: EditorLineBreak.ttr patch not only prevents the file loading but also deletes/renames the existing file 2014-08-25 (5.7) - Added: TObject.FieldAddress optimization for DFM loading - Added: Fix for QC 111917: RLINK32: Too many resources to handle. Instead of 3626 it can now handle 65534 resource items - Added: String function replacements without STRINGCHECKS - Added: Fix for "class operator In" class completion - Added: IDEFixPackReg*.exe supports command line parameter /EXTRACT that extracts the files instead of installing them - Added: Disable creation of EditorLineEnd.ttr 解决 EditorLineEnd.ttr 占用问题
2022-09-04 14:15:59 2.19MB IDEFixPack
这次的含有源码 最高版本支持XE8,只含部分皮肤,不收积分,不收人民币,含源码,要求完美的请购买正版,不喜勿下!完整DEMO和最全的皮肤可以在官方网站免费下载。 亲测可用,仅供学习和交流,请低调使用,如果用于商业用途,推荐购买正版,不喜勿下! 参考教程: DELPHI XE5安装AlphaControls9.04 DELPHI XE5 让AlphaControls9.04改变DevExpress13.1.4皮肤
2022-08-31 23:31:29 2.85MB AlphaControl D7 XE XE7
附件为 RAD Studio Xe8 up1(即 Update1)的原版下载地址,及破解工具。严格按破解步骤操作: 1、运行工具生成序列号 2、安装 Xe8 ,用生成的序列号安装。安装完后关闭安装程序。 3、关闭安装后,工具继续点“Patch Files"破解 4、点“Generate Activation File”生成授权文件 5、破解完成!可以启动xe8了。 如果还有问题可尝试从 DEP 中排除 dbs.exe 后再试
2022-08-30 13:45:07 1.26MB RAD Studio Xe8 Delphi
支持Ansi Unicode UTF8加密解密(支持多位,CSDN上XE2 AES加密解密只支持16位,好东西要分享)。
2022-07-12 23:47:36 66KB XE8\XE10 AESAnsi Unicode UTF8
2022-07-08 22:03:57 2.44MB 文档资料
delphi XE8 串口组件 SPComm for XE8,根据D7的修改得来,XE8已测试,详见测试程式
2022-06-08 11:15:11 886KB SPComm for XE8
XLSReadWriteII_v5.20.47 For XE8 破解版(含源码), XLSReadWriteII 一个导出导入EXCEL文件的第三方控件包,即使没有安装EXCEL也可以正常操作,速度超快
2022-05-14 22:32:13 12.1MB XLSReadWrite
delphi 2010升级到xe8后,decodestring汉字出现:No mapping for the.mht
2022-05-10 10:01:08 73KB Delphi
适合Delphi初学者的Delphi XE8入门基础
2022-04-23 15:27:15 3.17MB delphiXE8 安装 破解 开发
Delphi IDE 中英文一键切换助手 - XE8 - 共享版Delphi IDE 中英文一键切换助手 - XE8 - 共享版Delphi IDE 中英文一键切换助手 - XE8 - 共享版
2022-04-23 14:27:12 18.03MB Delphi IDE 助手