RHEL8配置和管理虚拟化(官方教程) 第 1 章 RHEL 中虚拟化简介 第 2 章 虚拟化入门 第 3 章 在 IBM POWER 中使用虚拟化 第 4 章 在 IBM Z 中使用虚拟化 第 5 章 在 WEB 控制台中管理虚拟机 第 6 章 查看有关虚拟机的信息 第 7 章 保存和恢复虚拟机 第 8 章 克隆虚拟机 第 9 章 迁移虚拟机 第 10 章 管理虚拟设备 第 11 章 为虚拟机管理存储 第 12 章 在虚拟机中管理 GPU 设备 第 13 章 配置虚拟机网络连接 第 14 章 在主机及其虚拟机间共享文件 第 15 章 保护虚拟机 第 16 章 优化虚拟机性能 第 17 章 安装和管理 WINDOWS 虚拟机 第 18 章 创建嵌套虚拟机 第 19 章 诊断虚拟机问题 第 20 章 RHEL 8 虚拟化的功能支持和限制
2022-01-21 14:02:07 4.64MB red_hat_enterpri 虚拟化 virtualization
ELI: Bare-Metal Performance for I/O Virtualization
2021-12-30 21:40:44 722KB ELI
此为正版电子书,完整高清,并且内容都是可以复制的。 很经典的书,可以称为kvm的圣经。
2021-11-02 17:55:22 6.57MB kvm 虚拟化
虚拟化英文书一本 Virtualization Essentials(无重复) 学习虚拟化非常好的一本书。 [Sybex] Virtualization Essentials (E-Book) [作者信息] Matthew Portnoy [出版机构] Sybex [出版日期] 2012年05月01日 [图书页数] 304页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式 contents: CHAPTER 1 Understanding Virtualization 1 CHAPTER 2 Understanding Hypervisors 19 CHAPTER 3 Understanding Virtual Machines 35 CHAPTER 4 Creating a Virtual Machine 51 CHAPTER 5 Installing Windows on a Virtual Machine 71 CHAPTER 6 Installing Linux on a Virtual Machine 97 CHAPTER 7 Managing CPUs for a Virtual Machine 125 CHAPTER 8 Managing Memory for a Virtual Machine 137 CHAPTER 9 Managing Storage for a Virtual Machine 151 CHAPTER 10 Managing Networking for a Virtual Machine 171 CHAPTER 11 Copying a Virtual Machine 191 CHAPTER 12 Managing Additional Devices in Virtual Machines 211 CHAPTER 13 Understanding Availability 227 CHAPTER 14 Understanding Applications in a Virtual Machine243
2021-10-18 16:45:19 25.07MB 虚拟化技术
In 1998, VMware figured out how to virtualize the x86 platform, once thought to be impossible, and created the market for x86 virtualization. The solution was a combination of binary translation and direct execution on the processor that allowed multiple guest OSes to run in full isolation on the same computer with readily affordable virtualization overhead. The savings that tens of thousands of companies have generated from the deployment of this technology is further driving the rapid adoption of virtualized computing from the desktop to the data center. As new vendors enter the space and attempt to differentiate their products, many are creating confusion with their marketing claims and terminology. For example, while hardware assist is a valuable technique that will mature and expand the envelope of workloads that can be virtualized, paravirtualization is not an entirely new technology that offers an “order of magnitude” greater performance. While this is a complex and rapidly evolving space, the technologies employed can be readily explained to help companies understand their options and choose a path forward. This white paper attempts to clarify the various techniques used to virtualize x86 hardware, the strengths and weaknesses of each, and VMware’s community approach to develop and employ the most effective of the emerging virtualization techniques. Figure 1 provides a summary timeline of x86 virtualization technologies from VMware’s binary translation to the recent application of kernel paravirtualization and hardware-assisted virtualization.
2021-08-12 12:11:41 1.4MB Full Virtualization Paravirtualization Hardware
Red Hat Virtualization 4.1 虚拟机管理指南:在 Red Hat Virtualization 环境中管理虚拟机;
2021-08-04 10:47:13 2.57MB virtualbox redhat 虚拟机
基于QEMU的API转发虚拟化 基于QEMU的OpenGL的API转发虚拟化
2021-07-16 13:57:36 33.17MB C
VMware VSP - SV (Server Virtualization 2021) - Assessment 考试题库
2021-06-25 18:06:02 1.38MB vmware vsp 题库
VMware VTSP - SV (Server Virtualization 2021) - Program Member 考试题库
2021-06-25 18:06:00 1.29MB vmware VTSP 题库
intel VT-d 技术官方文档。I/O虚拟化,有需要的同学可以下载下来学习。
2021-06-21 16:16:05 1.79MB Vt-d I/O虚拟化 intel