Easy Save - The Complete Save Load Asset v3.3.1f7
2021-10-15 12:02:07 740KB unity
GODOT-android模板(3.3.1) ps:如没积分的兄弟请联系我
2021-10-14 12:08:02 491.7MB godot godot-android godot模板
v3.3.1 注意事项:由于新增了功能,使用前请先仔细阅读v3.x的使用说明; 版本特性: 1.修复Wbconfig 部分UI的一些显示错误; 2.修复了TPC Client下使用域名进行连接,配置页中却显示no use IP的问题;
2021-09-16 13:49:20 5.05MB JFirmwareESP 透传固件 ESP8266 ESP32
2021-08-09 17:04:57 29.49MB vlc
由于官网下载的速度极慢,特拿来共享 DAS Version: DAS V3.3.1 Date: 2011-02-17 Customers: Internal, tool partners and customer
2020-01-03 11:43:19 3.07MB 英飞凌DAS
unity绳子系统Obi Rope v3.3.1 所支持的Unity版本:5.6.0 及以上版本 With Obi Rope you can create ropes in a matter of seconds, with complete control over their shape and behavior. The ropes can collide with the environment and with each other, and can be attached to rigid bodies. This system is NOT based on rigid bodies and joints, unlike other rope solutions. This is based on Obi particles, which makes it more lightweight, detailed, and unconditionally stable. Available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Features: - Procedural smooth mesh generation using splines, complete with tangent space updating and normal map support. No need to manually generate geometry for your ropes. - Change rope length at runtime. - Tearable/cuttable rope. - Closed loops. - Two-way rigid body interaction. - Modular solver: don't waste performance, only use the constraints your rope needs. - Per module adjustable solver iteration count. - Bending constraints. - Per particle pin constraints. - In-editor simulation preview. - Easy-to-use editor particle tools: selection, brush selection, paintbrush, property smoothing... - Simulation state gets serialized -> save your ropes mid-simulation->instantiate them already warm-started. - Supports all standard Unity colliders. - Automatic camera culling: non-visible ropes do not update their simulation.
2019-12-21 21:22:26 6.49MB Obi Rope 绳子