swf转gaf可在unity中使用。 同时适配了unity2018, 可用于网页游戏转unity游戏,开发事半功倍
2021-06-17 13:43:46 1.48MB swf gaf unity 网页
Unty内嵌浏览器(Embedded Browser V3.0.0) This asset allows you to embed a full copy of Chromium, the open-source core of Google Chrome, inside your game! Product Page | Unity Asset Store | Changelog | Get Help Documentation for ZFBrowser v3.0.0. Uses CEF 74.1.19+gb62bacf+chromium-74.0.3729.157 / Chromium 74.0.3729.157. Copyright © 2015-2019 Zen Fulcrum LLC Quick Start Basic Browser: If you are using Linux or OS X read the platform-specific notes. Import ZFBrowser into your project. Grab ZFBrowser/Prefabs/Browser (Mouse) and drop it into your scene. On this new object, set the URL to a site of your choice, such as https://google.com/ Fiddle with your camera so the quad fills most of the view. Hit play and interact with the web site. Embedded assets: Start with the scene above. Create a folder called BrowserAssets right next to (not inside!) your Assets folder. Create a file called index.html inside BrowserAssets and put this in it: Hello World! Set the URL for your browser to localGame://index.html Hit play. Congratulations! You now have a browser in your game! See this section if you want to use the browser in VR.
2021-06-10 14:09:21 417.73MB unity 网页 web
2021-04-22 15:44:11 64B Unity 网页
Unity3D 最新版UniWebView 4 4.2.0 内置内嵌式网页浏览器 新版 支持Android和iOS,使用Unity2019.2.4f1 亲测可用
unity 浏览网页的插件
2021-01-28 04:51:27 428.18MB http web unity网页