搞CFD和湍流模型的 经典书籍, 仅限学术交流
2021-04-24 00:24:46 20.35MB Turbulence Modeling CFD
基于扩展的惠更斯-菲涅耳积分,推导了在湍流环境下在圆Kong处衍射的部分相干径向偏振光束的交叉谱密度矩阵的解析公式。 未批准和自由空间的案例可以看作是我们总体结果的特例。 利用相干度公式,研究了湍流环境下带Kong的部分相干径向偏振光束的空间相关特性。 分析表明,Kong径湍流的部分相干径向偏振光束的空间相关性受大气湍流的影响更大,结构常数越大,截断参数越小,相干长度越大,传播距离越远。
2021-03-02 18:05:45 788KB Atmospheric turbulence; Apertures; Radially
The influence of air turbulence on the transverse wandering of a single femtosecond laser filament is studied by numerical simulation. The results show that the average transverse displacement of the single filament hδri is proportional to the square root of turbulent structure constant and the relations between hδri and the propagation distance can be fit by a power function. In addition, by using an axicon as a focusing optics, the wandering of a single filament is suggested to be stronger tha
2021-02-07 20:05:13 350KB
针对流体湍流不错的英文教材,剑桥大学出版,供大家研读。Turbulence (1995 Uriel Frisch-Cambridge )
2019-12-21 22:24:14 3.19MB 湍流 剑桥大学出版 全英文版 CFD