Willi A. Kalender, 西门子工作16年,有大量的CT临床应用。
2021-09-01 17:51:03 9.06MB CT IQ
CT专业,非常经典的入门书,对各方面的学习都很有帮助。Hsieh_J.编著的Computed tomography : principles, design, artifacts, and recent advances .已经出版两次,我所上传的资源是2009年出版的。上传的资源,仅作为大家的学术交流,请不要用于商业行为,否则,侵犯作者和出版社权益的行为,将承担相应法律责任,后果自负。 Copyright © 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
2021-09-01 17:50:48 38.05MB Computed tomography Principl 第二版
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is an emerging biomedical imaging modality that combines the high-contrast and spectroscopic-based specificity of optical imaging with the high spatial resolution of ultrasound imaging in a single modality. By listening to light, PAT detects tissue-absorbed photons ultrasonically through the photoacoustic effect. Since ultrasonic scattering is two to three orders of magnitude weaker than optical scattering in tissue, PAT breaks the 2–4 mm spatial resolution limit associated with pure optical tomography such as diffuse optical tomography (DOT) for deep tissue imaging, or the ~1 mm depth limit associated with confocal and multiphoton microscopy and optical coherent tomography (OCT). In PAT, tissue is excited with a short (typically a few nanoseconds) laser pulse (focused or unfocused); the subsequent laser-induced transient photoacoustic waves in the range of 1–100 MHz, due to the transient thermoelastic expansion of light-absorbing components in tissue, are detected by wideband unfocused or focused ultrasound transducer(s). Unique advantages of PAT are that functional or biochemical parameters such as deoxy-hemoglobin (HbR), oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2), water (H2O), lipids, and so forth along with vasculature and blood flow can be imaged in high resolution. In addition, highly specific molecular PAT can be realized through the use of molecular contrast agents. Finally, PAT can be made portable for bedside applications, is economical, and uses non-ionization radiation.
2021-07-15 11:50:16 44.09MB 光声成像 photoacoustic
SliceRecon 该项目已合并到。
2021-03-28 13:07:52 6.36MB algorithm gpu-computing tomography C++
电子断层扫描(ET)成像技术于1980年代开发,由于其成本低,响应速度快,缺乏放射线照射以及与其他断层扫描方式相比无干扰性,因而引起了工业界和研究界的广泛关注。 然而,由于其低成像分辨率,迄今为止其应用受到限制。 现有的ET成像重建方法中空间分辨率的问题在于,它们采用了基于病态方程且解不一致的数学方法。 在本文中,我们提出了一种基于数据驱动方法的新型ET成像方法。 通过恢复隐藏在ET成像过程中的簇结构,然后应用模糊聚类算法来识别簇结构,无需研究不适定的数学公式。 所提出的方法已经通过三个实验进行了测试,包括对人肺图像和塑性杆形状的图像重建,以及在Comsol平台上执行的两个模拟。 结果表明,与现有算法相比,所提方法可以更快地重建具有更高空间分辨率的ET图像。
2021-03-10 09:09:12 1.15MB electrical tomography; ill-posed problem;
Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography (NSECT) is a new approach for biological spectroscopy and imaging. Since thegamma-ray photons emitted from stimulated element have energies from 100 keV to about 6 MeV, previous reports have proposed thatthe projection path can be defined by the neutron beam. In this paper, another possible method has been applied and the performancepresented through simulations. When using signals from a single BGO crystal it is impossible to achieve g
2021-02-20 16:06:44 326KB Neutron stimulated emission computed
The sensitivity of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) imaging exponentially decreases with the increase of photon penetration depth, which leads to a poor depth resolution for DOT. In this letter, an exponential adjustment method (EAM) based on maximum singular value of layered sensitivity is proposed
2021-02-10 16:05:44 328KB 层析成像 图像重建 生物医学 170.6960
We present a full three-dimensional, featured-data algorithm for time-domain fluorescence diffuse optical tomography that inverts the Laplace-transformed time-domain coupled diffusion equations and employs a pair of appropriate transform-factors to effectively separate the fluorescent yield and life
2021-02-10 16:05:41 620KB 荧光扩散 特征数据 时域 图像重建
The feasibility of measuring crater geometries by use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) is examined. Bovine shank bone on a motorized translation stage with a motion velocity of 3 mm/s is ablated with a pulsed CO2 laser in vitro. The laser pulse repetition rate is 60 Hz and the spot size on the tissue surface is 0.5 mm. Crater geometries are evaluated immediately by both OCT and histology methods after laser irradiation. The results reveal that OCT is capable of measuring crater geometries r
2021-02-10 16:05:36 838KB 组织消融 光学相干 CO2激光 170.1020
Spectral domain polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (SDPS-OCT) is a depth-resolved polarization-sensitive interferometry which integrates polarization optics into spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). This configuration can obtain birefringence information of samples
2021-02-10 16:05:35 835KB 光学相干 双折射 偏振 170.4500