Facebook The Inside Story by Steven Levy,都来学习下 Facebook The Inside Story by Steven Levy,都来学习下
2021-11-27 14:01:47 4.33MB 333
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2021-11-26 11:22:44 67.82MB 龙虎鲸书
线性代数_Steven J Leon 第8版中文扫描
2021-11-07 19:58:31 34.91MB 线性代数 Steven 第8版 中文
金融数学名著《Stochastic Calculus and Finance》Steven Shreve的名著,英文的
2021-11-07 16:15:51 1.19MB 金融数学 随机微积分 金融
信号检测与估计三卷全Steven M. Kay 统计信号处理基础--估计理论 统计信号处理基础--检测理论 统计信号处理基础--算法开发
2021-10-31 22:22:56 77.16MB 检测与估计 算法开发 Steven M.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena have been known to mankind since the Greek Empire when Thales of Miletus, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, noticed the attraction of strands of hay to amber, leading to the coining of the word ‘‘electron.’’ In the 17th century, Gilbert and Cabeo addressed the attractive and repulsive nature of electricity. In the 18th century, a rapid increase of interest occurred for scientists in the understanding of electrical physics—Gray, du Fay, Nollet, Musschenbroeck, Franklin, Watson, Aepinus, Canton, Priestley, Cavendish, Galvani, Coulomb, Volta, Poisson, Faraday—and continued into the 19th century—Laplace, Gauss, Oersted, Ampere, Davy, Ohm, Green, Ostrogradsky, Henry, Lord Kelvin, Joule, Neumann, Weber, Thomson, Kirchoff, Stokes, Helmholtz, and Maxwell. It was the discoveries made in the 1820s by Oersted, Ampere, Davy, and Ohm that began the basic understanding of electrical circuits.
2021-10-29 13:01:07 8.06MB ESD
我们学的工程电路分析的答案。 是英文的。
2021-10-24 18:17:22 14.67MB 答案 工程电路分析
2021-10-21 20:33:58 5.64MB Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos
国药经典教材Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Steven M.Kay教授的经典著作,主要介绍统计信号处理,分上下两册,检测理论、估计理论,自适应信号处理,最小方差无偏估计MVUE,最优线性估计BLUE
2021-09-30 17:42:05 38.7MB 统计信号处理