A Mathematical Introduction to Compressive Sensing Springer 2013 Authors:Simon Foucart, Holger Rauhut
2022-10-25 14:36:51 6.25MB Compressive Sensing
NR法matlab代码人形机器人简介 Springer的《类人机器人简介》的Matlab代码 [用法]在Matlab的命令行中键入以下命令。 第2节运动学ulink_example:递归调用编程的示例(2.4.2)fk_random:绘制具有任意关节角度的两足动物机器人(2.5.2)ik_random:绘制具有随机脚部位置和方向的机器人(2.5.3)ik_random2:ik_random带有数值倒数kinemaitcs(2.5.4)ik_stretch_NR:奇异性下的Newton-Raphson方法的行为ik_stretch_LM:使用奇异性鲁棒逆的Levenberg-Marqardt方法 第3节ZMP和Dynamcis calcurate_zmp:显示两足机器人的ZMP(IZMP)和CoM投影(3.4.1) 第6节动态模拟:bodybody_rotate:在零重力下对刚体旋转进行动画处理(6.1.2)screw_motion:恒定空间速度下的刚体单向运动(6.2.2)刚体fly:在零重力下进行刚体平移和旋转(6.3.3) :动画动画(6.3.4)robot_simulation:
2022-10-22 10:12:31 130KB 系统开源
R语言时间序列模型的实现 斯普林格pdf高清版本
2022-09-23 22:01:03 4.2MB r_language springer time_series 时间序列
Springer Handbook of Speech Processing》算是语音信号处理领域的百科全书,在语音信号领域有着极其高的地位。 本书适用于学生、研究者以及从事语音信号处理工作的人员。 本书有9部分组成: Part A: Production, Perception, and Modeling of Speech Part B: Signal Processing for Speech Part C: Speech Coding Part D: Text-to-Speech Synthesis Part E: Speech Recognition Part F: Speaker Recognition Part G: Language Recognition Part H: Speech Enhancement Part I: Multichannel Speech Processing
2022-08-29 18:23:23 15.84MB
科技文献检索与写作:05第四章 Springer Link.ppt
2022-06-15 12:00:56 2.21MB 计算机 互联网 文档
springer link数据库简介及使用说明
2022-06-03 19:05:22 732KB 文档资料 数据库 database
2022-06-03 19:05:20 36KB 文档资料 数据库 database
Springer数据库使用指南 - 西南科技大学图书馆
2022-06-03 19:05:19 11.62MB 数据库 文档资料 科技 database
Philosophical and Mathematical Logic (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Philosophy) By 作者: Harrie de Swart ISBN-10 书号: 3030032531 ISBN-13 书号: 9783030032531 Edition 版本: 1st ed. 2018 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2018-11-28 pages 页数: (539 ) $49.99 This book was written to serve as an introduction to logic, with in each chapter – if applicable – special emphasis on the interplay between logic and philosophy, mathematics, language and (theoretical) computer science. The reader will not only be provided with an introduction to classical logic, but to philosophical (modal, epistemic, deontic, temporal) and intuitionistic logic as well. The first chapter is an easy to read non-technical Introduction to the topics in the book. The next chapters are consecutively about Propositional Logic, Sets (finite and infinite), Predicate Logic, Arithmetic and Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems, Modal Logic, Philosophy of Language, Intuitionism and Intuitionistic Logic, Applications (Prolog; Relational Databases and SQL; Social Choice Theory, in particular Majority Judgment) and finally, Fallacies and Unfair Discussion Methods. Throughout the text, the author provides some impressions of the historical development of logic: Stoic and Aristotelian logic, logic in the Middle Ages and Frege’s Begriffsschrift, together with the works of George Boole (1815-1864) and August De Morgan (1806-1871), the origin of modern logic. Since “if …, then …” can be considered to be the heart of logic, throughout this book much attention is paid to conditionals: material, strict and relevant implication, entailment, counterfactuals and conversational implicature are treated and many references for further reading are given. Each chapter is concluded with answers to the exercises.
2022-06-02 15:26:57 6.65MB Logic
科技文献检索与写作:05第四章 Springer Link.ppt
2022-05-20 19:07:39 2.21MB 文档资料 科技