Spiking Neuron Models - single neurons, populations, plasticity _ W.Gerstner,_W.M.Kistler 计算神经科学专著之一,学习spiking neuron 的好书。作者GERSTNER是个牛人。
2021-07-14 12:31:26 6.55MB Spiking Neuron ;Model; populations;plasticity
通过混合转换和依赖于峰值时序的反向传播来启用深度峰值神经网络 这是与在发表的论文“使用混合转换和峰值定时依赖的反向传播实现深度尖峰神经网络”相关的代码。 培训方法 培训分以下两个步骤进行: 训练ANN('ann.py') 将ANN转换为SNN并执行基于尖峰的反向传播('snn.py') 档案文件 'ann.py':训练一个ANN,可以提供输入参数来提供建筑设计,数据集,训练设置 'snn.py':从头开始训练SNN或执行ANN-SNN转换(如果有预训练的ANN可用)。 / self_models:包含ANN和SNN的模型文件 'ann_script.py'和'snn_script.py':这些脚本可用于设计各种实验,它创建可用于运行多个模型的'script.sh' 训练有素的人工神经网络模型 训练有素的SNN模型 问题 有时,“ STDB”的激活在训练过程中会变得不稳定,从而
这个是网页模式的,每一章都有。 Gerstner and Kistler Spiking Neuron Models. Single Neurons, Populations, Plasticity Cambridge University Press, 2002
2021-04-17 16:16:17 2.06MB spiking neuron
Spiking neuron models single neurons_ populations_plasticity
2021-04-15 10:51:47 6.53MB SNN
Abstract— With the increasing popularity of social media and smart devices, the face as one of the key biometrics becomes vital for person identification. Among those face recognition algorithms, video-based face recognition methods could make use of both temporal and spatial information just as hum
2021-02-23 15:08:42 3.28MB 人脸识别 IEEE论文
Spiking Neuron Models:Neurons in the brain communicate by short electrical pulses, the so-called action potentials or spikes. How can we understand the process of spike generation? How can we understand information transmission by neurons? What happens if thousands of neurons are coupled together in a seemingly random network? How does the network connectivity determine the activity patterns? And, vice versa, how does the spike activity influence the connectivity pattern? These questions are addressed in this introductory text aimed at those taking courses in computational neuroscience, theoretical biology, neuronal modeling, biophysics, or neural networks. The authors focus on phenomenological approaches so that beginners can get to grips with the theoretical concepts before confronting the wealth of detail in biological systems. The book is in three Parts dealing, in order, with neurons and connections, collective behavior in networks, and synaptic plasticity and its role in learning, memory, and development. Each chapter ends with a literature survey, and a comprehensive bibliography is included. As such the book will also introduce readers to current research.
2019-12-21 21:34:56 4.93MB Spiking Neuron Models
2019-12-21 20:28:05 1.72MB 脉冲神经网络
2019-12-21 20:28:05 116KB 粒子群算法
Time-Space, Spiking Neural Networks and Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence,非常有用的资料
2019-12-21 19:26:58 31.02MB 脉冲神经网络 人工智能